Ezekiel 45:2

Of this — Whole portion of twenty five thousand cubits long, or twelve miles and half, and ten thousand broad, or five miles and a little more. For the sanctuary — For a platform for the sanctuary, both house and court.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 45:6

The possession — Land to be a possession to the citizens of Jerusalem, and to be the content of the city. Broad — About two miles and half broad, and twelve miles and half long. Long — This must run along parallel in length with the holy portion, though but half its breadth. For the whole house — As... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezekiel 45:7

The prince — The king. Our side — One half of the prince's portion lay on the west side of those three already set out. The other side — The other half lay on the east — side thereof, so the portion of the city, Levites and priests, lay in the middle. The holy portion — Of priests, and Levites, and... [ Continue Reading ]

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