Ezra 3:1

Seventh month — This was a sacred kind of month wherein there were divers festivals, for which the people had been preparing themselves, and now came to Jerusalem to the celebration of them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 3:2

Altar — Which was of more present necessity than the temple, both to make atonement to God for all their sins, and to obtain God's assistance for the building of the temple, and to strengthen their own hearts and hands in that great work.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 3:3

For fear — So they made the more haste, lest they should be hindered. Apprehension of dangers should quicken us in our duty. Have we many enemies? We have the more need to have God for our friend and to keep up our correspondence with him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 3:4

Tabernacles — This seems to be mentioned for all the solemnities of this month, whereof this was the most eminent, otherwise it is not probable, that they would neglect the day of atonement which was so severely enjoined, Leviticus 23:27, and was so exceeding suitable to their present condition.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 3:5

Offering — The morning and evening, sacrifice. The law required much; but they offered more; for tho' thy had little wealth, they had much zeal. Happy they that bring with them out of the furnace of affliction, such a holy heat as this!... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 3:6

Burnt — offerings — And the other sacrifices which were to be offered with them upon that day, being the feast of trumpets. Burnt — offerings are often put for all sacrifices.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 3:9

Joshua — Not the high — priest so called, but a Levite, of whom see Ezra 2:40. To set forward — To encourage them to a vigorous prosecution of the work.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 3:11

Sung — That everlasting hymn, which will never be out of date, and to which our tongue should never be out of tune, the burden of Psalms 136:1. Whatever our condition is, let it be owned, that God is good, and whatever fails, that his mercy fails not.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 3:12

Had seen — Which divers of them might well do; because it was destroyed not sixty years ago. Wept — Because of the poor preparations made for this, in comparison of what was made for the other temple: because this was destitute of those things which were the principal glory of the former temple, nam... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 3:13

Could not discern — The mixture of sorrow and joy here, is a representation of this world. In heaven all are singing and none sighing; in hell all are wailing, and none rejoicing: but here on earth we can scarce discern the shouts of joy from the noise of the weeping, let us learn to rejoice with th... [ Continue Reading ]

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