Ezra 7:1

Artaxerxes — The same of whom he speaks, Ezra 6:14. The son — His grand — son. Here are divers persons omitted for brevity sake, which may be supplied out of 1 Chronicles 6:1. Ezra was not himself the high priest; but he was nearly related to him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 7:6

Went — With the king's consent and commission. Scribe — A learned and expert doctor. The Jews say, he collected and collated all the copies of the law, and published an accurate edition of it, with all the books that were given by Divine inspiration, and so made up the canon of the Old Testament. Mo... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 7:10

To teach — The order of things in this verse is very observable; first he endeavours to understand God's law and word, and that not for curiosity or ostentation, but in order to practice: next he consciously practises what he did understand, which made his doctrine much more effectual: and then he e... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 7:11

Words — The phrase seems emphatical, noting that he explained both the words and the things: for the Jews in the land of their captivity had in a great measure lost both the language, and the knowledge of God's commands, and therefore Ezra and his companions instructed them in both.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 7:14

According, &c. — To make inquiry into all abuses and deviations from your law, and to redress them. Which — Which is now and always in thine hand, being the matter of thy daily study.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 7:16

Find — Procure, as that word is used, Genesis 6:8, Genesis 26:12; Psalms 84:3. Whatsoever thou canst get of my subjects by way of free gift. The people — Of Israel.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 7:25

The wisdom — Which God hath put into thy heart, and which appears in the works of thy hand. All that professed the Jewish religion, were to be under the jurisdiction of these judges.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 7:26

Let judgment — What could David himself, as king, have done more, for the honour of God, and the furtherance of religion?... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 7:27

Blessed, &c. — Ezra cannot proceed in his story, without inserting this thankful acknowledgment of God's goodness to him and the people.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ezra 7:28

As the hand, &c. — If God gives us his hand, we are bold and chearful: if he withdraws it, we are weak as water. Whatever service we are enabled to do for God and our generation, God must have all the glory of it.... [ Continue Reading ]

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