Paul, an apostle — Here it was necessary for St. Paul to assert his
authority; otherwise he is very modest in the use of this title. He
seldom mentions it when he mentions others in the salutations with
himself, as in the Epistles to the Philippians and Thessalonians; or
when he writes about secular... [ Continue Reading ]
And all the brethren — Who agree with me in what I now write.... [ Continue Reading ]
That he might deliver us from the present evil world — From the
guilt, wickedness, and misery wherein it is involved, and from its
vain and foolish customs and pleasures. According to the will of God
— Without any merit of ours. St. Paul begins most of his epistles
with thanksgiving; but, writing to... [ Continue Reading ]
To whom be glory — For this his gracious will.... [ Continue Reading ]
I marvel that ye are removed so soon — After my leaving you. From
him who called you by the grace of Christ — His gracious gospel, and
his gracious power.... [ Continue Reading ]
Which, indeed, is not properly another gospel. For what ye have now
received is no gospel at all; it is not glad, but heavy, tidings, as
setting your acceptance with God upon terms impossible to be
performed. But there are some that trouble you — The same word
occurs, Acts 15:24. And would — If they... [ Continue Reading ]
But if we — I and all the apostles. Or an angel from heaven — If
it were possible. Preach another gospel, let him be accursed — Cut
off from Christ and God.... [ Continue Reading ]
As — He speaks upon mature deliberation; after pausing, it seems,
between the two verses. We — I and the brethren who are with me.
Have said before — Many times, in effect, if not in terms. So I say
— All those brethren knew the truth of the gospel. St. Paul knew the
Galatians had received the true... [ Continue Reading ]
For — He adds the reason why he speaks so confidently. Do I now
satisfy men — Is this what I aim at in preaching or writing? If I
still — Since I was an apostle. Pleased men — Studied to please
them; if this were my motive of action; nay, if I did in fact please
the men who know not God. I should no... [ Continue Reading ]
But I certify you, brethren — He does not till now give them even
this appellation. That the gospel which was preached by me among you
is not according to man — Not from man, not by man, not suited to
the taste of man.... [ Continue Reading ]
For neither did I receive it — At once. Nor was I taught it —
Slowly and gradually, by any man. But by the revelation of Jesus
Christ — Our Lord revealed to him at first, his resurrection,
ascension, and the calling of the gentiles, and his own apostleship;
and told him then, there were other things... [ Continue Reading ]
I Persecuted the church of God — That is, the believers in Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
Being zealous of the unwritten traditions — Over and above those
written in the law.... [ Continue Reading ]
But when it pleased God — He ascribes nothing to his own merits,
endeavours, or sincerity. Who separated me from my mother's womb —
Set me apart for an apostle, as he did Jeremiah for a prophet.
Jeremiah 1:5. Such an unconditional predestination as this may
consist, both with God's justice and mercy... [ Continue Reading ]
To reveal his Son in me — By the powerful operation of his Spirit, 2
Corinthians 4:6; as well as to me, by the heavenly vision. That I
might preach him to others — Which I should have been ill qualified
to do, had I not first known him myself. I did not confer with flesh
and blood — Being fully sati... [ Continue Reading ]
Neither did I go up to Jerusalem — The residence of the apostles.
But I immediately went again into Arabia, and returned again to
Damascus — He presupposes the journey to Damascus, in which he was
converted, as being known to them all.... [ Continue Reading ]
Then after three years — Wherein I had given full proof of my
apostleship. I went to visit Peter — To converse with him.... [ Continue Reading ]
But other of the apostles I saw none, save James the brother (that is,
the kinsman) of the Lord — Therefore when Barnabas is said to have
"brought him into the apostles," Acts 9:27, only St. Peter and St
James are meant.... [ Continue Reading ]
In me — That is, on my account.... [ Continue Reading ]