Genesis 11:1

And the whole earth was of one language — Now while they all understood one another, they would be the more capable of helping one another, and the less inclinable to separate.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 11:3

Go to, let us make brick, let us build us a city — The country being a plain, yielded neither stone nor morter, yet that did not discourage them, but they made brick to serve instead of stone, and slime, or pitch, instead of morter. Some think they intended hereby to secure themselves against the wa... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 11:5

And the Lord came down to see the city — 'Tis an expression after the manner of men, he knew it as clearly as men know that which they come upon the place to view. And the tower which the children of men builded — Which speaks, Their weakness and frailty, it was a foolish thing for the children of m... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 11:6

And the Lord said, Behold the people is one, and they have all one language — And if they continue one, much of the earth will be left uninhabited, and these children of men, if thus incorporated, will swallow up the little remnant of God's children, therefore it is decreed they must not be one. And... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 11:7

Go to, let us go down and there confound their language — This was not spoken to the angels, as if God needed either their advice or their assistance, but God speaks it to himself, or the Father to the Son and Holy Ghost. That they may not understand one another's speech — Nor could they well join h... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 11:10

Observe here, That nothing is left upon record concerning those of this line, but their names and ages; the Holy Ghost seeming to hasten thro' them to the story of Abraham. How little do we know of those that are gone before us in this world, even those that lived in the same places where we live! O... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 11:27

Here begins the story of Abram. We have here, His country: Ur of the Chaldee's — An idolatrous country, where even the children of Eber themselves degenerated. His relations, mentioned for his sake, and because of their interest in he following story. His father was Terah, of whom it is said, Joshua... [ Continue Reading ]

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