This appearance of God to Abraham seems to have had in it more of
freedom and familiarity, and less of grandeur and majesty, than those
we have hitherto read of, and therefore more resembles that great
visit which in the fulness of time the Son of God was to make to the
world. He sat in the tent — d... [ Continue Reading ]
And lo three men — These three men were three spiritual heavenly
beings, now assuming human shapes, that they might be visible to
Abraham, and conversable with him. Some think they were all three
created angels; others, that one of them was the Son of God. He bowed
himself towards the ground — Relig... [ Continue Reading ]
Where is Sarah thy wife? — By naming her, they gave intimation to
Abraham, that tho' they seemed strangers, yet they well knew him and
his family: by enquiring after her, they shewed a kind concern for the
family of one, whom they found respectful to them. And by speaking of
her, she over — hearing... [ Continue Reading ]
I will certainly return unto thee — And visit thee. God will return
to those that bid him welcome.... [ Continue Reading ]
Sarah laughed within herself — It was not a laughter of faith, like
Abraham's, Genesis 17:17, but a laughter of doubting and distrust. The
great objection which Sarah could not get over was her age. I am waxed
old, and past child — bearing in a course of nature, especially
having been hitherto barre... [ Continue Reading ]
Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do — Thus doth God in
his councils express himself after the manner of men, with
deliberation. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him. Those
that by faith live a life of communion with God, cannot but know more
of his mind than other people. Th... [ Continue Reading ]
I know Abraham that he will command his children, and his household
after him — This is a bright part of Abraham's character. He not
only prayed with his family, but he taught them, as a man of
knowledge; nay, he commanded them as a man in authority, and was
prophet and king, as well as priest, in h... [ Continue Reading ]
I will go down now and see — Not as if there were any thing
concerning which God is in doubt; but he is pleased thus to express
himself after the manner of men.... [ Continue Reading ]
Abraham drew near — This expression intimates, A holy concern. A
holy confidence; he drew near with an assurance of faith, drew near as
a prince, Job 31:37.... [ Continue Reading ]
Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, who am but
dust and ashes — He speaks as one amazed at his own boldness, and
the liberty God graciously allowed him, considering God's greatness,
he is the Lord; and his own meanness, but dust and ashes. Whenever we
draw near to God, it become... [ Continue Reading ]
Oh let not the Lord be angry — The importunity which believers use
in their addresses to God is such, that if they were dealing with a
man like themselves, they could not but fear that he would be angry
with them. But he with whom we have to do is God and not man, and he
is pleased when he is wrestl... [ Continue Reading ]
Abraham returned into his place — To wait what the event would be;
and it proved that his prayer was heard, and yet Sodom not spared,
because there were not ten righteous in it.... [ Continue Reading ]