Genesis 25:1

Five and thirty years Abraham lived after the marriage of Isaac, and all that is recorded concerning him during that time lies here in a very few verses: we hear no more of God's extraordinary appearances to him, or trials of him; for all the days even of the greatest saints are not eminent days, so... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:5

And Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac — As he was bound to do in justice to Sarah his first wife, and to Rebekah who married Isaac upon the assurance of it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:6

He gave gifts — Or portions to the rest of his children, both to Ishmael, though at first he was sent empty away, and to his sons by Keturah. It was justice to provide for them; parents that do not that, are worse than infidels. It was prudence to settle them in places distant from Isaac, that they... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:7

And these are the days of Abraham — He lived one hundred and seventy — five years; just a hundred years after he came to Canaan; so long he was a sojourner in a strange country.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:8

He died in a good old age, an old man — So God had promised him. His death was his discharge from the burdens of his age: it was also the crown of the glory of his old age. He was full of years — A good man, though he should not die old, dies full of days, satisfied with living here, and longing to... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:9

Here is nothing recorded of the pomp or ceremony of his funeral; only we are told, his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him — It was the last office of respect they had to pay to their good father. Some distance there had formerly been between Isaac and Ishmael, but it seems either Abraham had himself... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:11

And God blessed Isaac — The blessing of Abraham did not die with him, but survived to all the children of the promise. But Moses presently digresseth from the story of Isaac, to give a short account of Ishmael, for as much as he also was a son of Abraham; and God had made some promises concerning hi... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:17

He lived an hundred and thirty and seven years — Which is recorded to shew the efficacy of Abraham's prayer for him, Genesis 17:18. O that Ishmael might live before thee! Then he also was gathered to his people. And he died in the presence of all his brethren — With his friends about him. Who would... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:20

And Isaac was forty years old — Not much is related concerning Isaac, but what had reference to his father, while he lived, and to his sons afterward; for Isaac seems not to have been a man of action, nor much tried, but to have spent his day, in quietness and silence.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:21

And Isaac intreated the Lord for his wife — Though God had promised to multiply his family, he prayed for it; for God's promises must not supersede but encourage our prayers, and be improved as the ground of our faith. Though he had prayed for this mercy many years, and it was not granted, yet he di... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:22

The children struggled within her — The commotion was altogether extra — ordinary, and made her very uneasy: If it be so, or, since it is so, why am I thus? — Before the want of children was her trouble, now the struggle of the children is no less so. And she went to enquire of the Lord — Some think... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:23

Two nations are in thy womb — She was now big not only with two children, but two nations, which should not only in their manners greatly differ from each other, but in their interest contend with each other, and the issue of the contest should be that the elder should serve the younger, which was f... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:25

Esau when he was born was red and hairy, as if he had been already a grown man, whence he had his name Esau, made, reared already. This was an indication of a very strong constitution, and gave cause to expect that he would be a very robust, daring, active man. But Jacob was smooth and tender as oth... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:26

His hand took hold on Esau's heel — This signified, Jacob's pursuit of the birth — right and blessing; from the first he reached forth to have catched hold of it, and if possible to have prevented his brother. His prevailing for it at last: that in process of time he should gain his point. This pass... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:27

Esau was an hunter — And a man that knew how to live by his wits, for he was a cunning hunter. A man of the field — All for the game, and never so well but as when he was in pursuit of it. And Jacob was a plain man — An honest man, that dealt fairly. And dwelt in tents — Either, As a shepherd, lovin... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:28

And Isaac loved Esau — Isaac though he was not a stirring man himself, yet he loved to have his son active. Esau knew how to please him, and shewed a great respect for him, by treating him often with venison, which won upon him more than one would have thought. But Rebekah loved him whom God loved.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:31

Sell me this day thy birth — right — He cannot be excused in taking advantage of Esau's necessity, yet neither can Esau be excused who is profane, Hebrews 12:16, because for one morsel of meat he sold his birth — right. The birth — right was typical of spiritual privileges, those of the church of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 25:34

He did eat and drink, and rise up and went his way — Without any serious reflections upon the ill bargain he had made, or any shew of regret. Thus Esau despised his birth — right — He used no means to get the bargain revoked, made no appeal to his father about it but the bargain which his necessity... [ Continue Reading ]

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