Genesis 37:2

These are the generations of Jacob — It is not a barren genealogy, as those of Esau, but a memorable useful history. Joseph brought to his father their evil report — Jacob's sons did that when they were from under his eye, which they durst not have done if they had been at home with him; but Joseph... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:5

Though he was now very young, about seventeen years old, yet he was pious and devout, and this fitted him for God's gracious discoveries to him. Joseph had a great deal of trouble before him, and therefore God gave him betimes this prospect of his advancement, to support and comfort him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:8

Shalt thou indeed reign over us? — See here, How truly they interpreted his dream? The event exactly answered this interpretation, Genesis 42:6, &c. How scornfully they resented it, Shalt thou that art but one, reign over us that are many? Thou that art the youngest, over us that are elder? The reig... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:10

His father rebuked him — Probably to lessen the offence which his brethren would take at it; yet he took notice of it more than he seemed to do.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:18

And when they saw him afar off they conspired against him — It was not in a heat, or upon a sudden provocation, that they thought to slay him, but from malice propense, and in cold blood.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:21

And Reuben heard it — God can raise up friends for his people, even among their enemies. Reuben of all the brothers had most reason to be jealous of Joseph, for he was the first — born, and so entitled to those distinguishing favours which Jacob was conferring on Joseph, yet he proves his best frien... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:25

They sat down to eat bread — They felt no remorse of conscience, which if they had, would have spoiled their stomach to their meat. A great force put upon conscience commonly stupifies it, and for the time deprives it both of sense and speech.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:26

What profit is it if we slay our brother? — It will be less guilt and more gain to sell him. They all agreed to this. And as Joseph was sold by the contrivance of Judah for twenty pieces of silver, so was our Lord Jesus for thirty, and by one of the same name too, Judas. Reuben it seems, was gone aw... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 37:35

He refused to be comforted — He resolved to go down to the grave mourning; Great affection to any creature doth but prepare for so much the greater affliction, when it is either removed from us, or embittered to us: inordinate love commonly ends in immoderate grief.... [ Continue Reading ]

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