Genesis 42:2

Get you down thither — Masters of families must not only pray for daily bread for their families, but must with care and industry provide it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 42:7

We may well wonder that Joseph, during the twenty years he had been in Egypt, especially during the last seven years that he had been in power there, never sent to his father to acquaint him with his circumstances; nay, 'tis strange that he who so oft went throughout all the land of Egypt, never mad... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 42:9

He remembered the dreams, but they had forgot them. The laying up of God's oracles in our hearts will be of excellent use to us in all our conduct. Joseph had an eye to his dreams, which he knew to be divine, in his carriage towards his brethren, and aimed at the accomplishment of them, and the brin... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 42:21

We are very guilty concerning our brother — We do not read that they said this during their three days imprisonment; but now when the matter was come to some issue, and they saw themselves still embarrassed, they began to relent. Perhaps Joseph's mention of the fear of God, put them upon considerati... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 42:24

He took Simeon — He chose him for the hostage, probably because he remembered him to have been his most bitter enemy, or because he observed him now to be least humbled and concerned. He bound him before their eyes, to affect them all.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 42:28

Their heart failed them, and they were afraid, saying one to another, What is this that God hath done to us? — They knew that the Egyptians abhorred a Hebrew, Genesis 43:32, and therefore, since they could not expect to receive any kindness from them, they concluded that this was done with a design... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 42:38

My son shall not go down with you — He plainly intimates a distrust of them, remembering that he never saw Joseph since he had been with them; therefore Benjamin shall not go with you.... [ Continue Reading ]

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