Genesis 5:1

The first words of the chapter are the title of argument of the whole chapter; it is the book of the generations of Adam — It is the list or catalogue of the posterity of Adam, not of all, but only of the holy seed, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came; the names, ages, and deaths of thos... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:2

Where we have a brief rehearsal of what was before at large related concerning the creation of man. This is what we have need frequently to hear of, and carefully to acquaint ourselves with. Observe here. 1. That God created man. Man is not his own maker, therefore he must not be his own master; but... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:3

Seth was born in the 130th year of Adam's life, and probably the murder of Abel was not long before. Many other sons and daughters were born to Adam besides Cain and Abel before this; but no notice is taken of them, because an honourable mention must be made of his name only, in whose loins Christ a... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:5

In the day Adam ate forbidden fruit, he became mortal, he began to die; his whole life after was but a forfeited condemned life, nay it was a wasting dying life; he was not only like a criminal sentenced, but as one already crucified, that dies slowly and by degrees.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:6

We have here all that the Holy Ghost thought fit to leave upon record concerning five of the patriarchs before the flood, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, and Jared. There is nothing observable concerning any of those particularly, tho' we have reason to think they were men of eminency, both for prud... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:22

And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah — To walk with God, is to set God always before us, and to act as those that are always under his eye. It is to live a life of communion with God, both in ordinances and providences; it is to make God's word our rule, and his glory our end, in all... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:24

He was not, for God took him — That is, as it is explained, Hebrews 11:5, he was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him. But why did God take him so soon? Surely because the world, which was now grown corrupt, was not worthy of him. Because his wor... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:25

Methuselah signifies, He dies, there is a sending forth, viz. of the deluge, which came the very year that Methuselah died. If his name was so intended, it was a fair warning to a careless world long before the judgment came. However, this is observable, that the longest liver that ever was, carried... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:29

This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the Lord hath cursed — Very probably there were some prophecies that went before of him, as a person that should be wonderfully serviceable to his generation.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 5:32

And Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth — These Noah begat (the eldest of these) when he was six hundred years old. It should seem that Japheth was the eldest, Genesis 10:21, but Shem is put first, because on him the covenant was entailed, as appears by Genesis 9:26, where God is called the Lord God o... [ Continue Reading ]

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