Genesis 6:1

Men began to multiply upon the face of the earth — This was the effect of the blessing, Genesis 1:28, and yet man's corruption so abused this blessing, that it turned into a curse.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 6:2

The sons of God — Those who were called by the name of the Lord, and called upon that name, married the daughters of men — Those that were profane, and strangers to God. The posterity of Seth did not keep to themselves as they ought, but intermingled with the race of Cain: they took them wives of al... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 6:3

My spirit shall not always strive with man — The spirit then strove by Noah's preaching, 1 Peter 3:19, and by inward checks, but 'twas in vain with the most of men; therefore saith God, he shall not always strive, for that he also is flesh — Incurably corrupt and sensual, so that 'tis labour lost to... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 6:4

There were giants, and men of renown — They carried all before them, 1. With their great bulk, as the sons of Anak, Numbers 13:33, and, 2. With their great name, as the king of Assyria, Isaiah 37:11. Thus armed, they daringly insulted the rights of all their neighbours, and trampled upon all that is... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 6:5

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth — Abundance of sin was committed in all places, by all sorts of people: and those sins in their own nature most gross and heinous, and provoking: and committed daringly, with a defiance of heaven. And that every imagination of the thought... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 6:6

And it repented the Lord that he had made man upon the earth — That he had made a creature of such noble powers, and had put him on this earth, which he built and furnished on purpose to be a comfortable habitation for him; and it grieved him at his heart — These are expressions after the manner of... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 6:7

I will destroy man — The original word is very significant. I will wipe off man from off the earth; as dirt is wiped off from a place which should be clean, and thrown to the dunghill. Or, I will blot out man from the earth, as those lines are blotted out of a book which displease the author, or as... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 6:8

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord — This vindicates God's justice in his displeasure against the world, and shews that he had examined the character of every person in it, before he pronounced it universally corrupt; for there being one good man he smiled upon him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 6:9

Noah was a just man — Justified before God by faith in the promised seed; for he was an heir of the righteousness which is by faith, Hebrews 11:7. He was sanctified, and had right principles and dispositions implanted in him: and he was righteous in his conversation, one that made conscience of rend... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 6:11

The earth also was corrupt before God — That is, in the matters of God's worship; either they had other gods before him, or worshipped him by images: or, they were corrupt and wicked in despite of God. The earth was also filled with violence, and injustice towards men; there was no order nor regular... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 6:12

God looked upon the earth — And was himself an eye — witness of the corruption that was in it, for all flesh had corrupted his way — It was not some particular nations that were thus wicked, but the whole world so; there was none good beside Noah.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 6:13

The end of all flesh is come before me; I will destroy them — The ruin of this wicked world is decreed; it is come, that is, it will come surely, and come quickly.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 6:14

I will destroy them with the earth, but make thee an ark — I will take care to preserve thee alive. This ark was like the hulk of a ship, fitted not to sail upon the waters, but to float waiting for their fall. God could have secured Noah, by the ministration of angels without putting him to any car... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 6:17

And behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth — I that am infinite in power, and therefore can do it; infinite in justice, and therefore will do it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 6:18

But with thee will I establish my covenant — [1.] The covenant of Providence, that the course of nature shall be continued to the end of time, not withstanding the interruption which the flood would give to it: this promise was immediately made to Noah and his sons, Genesis 9:8, &c. they were as tru... [ Continue Reading ]

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