Genesis 7:1

Here is a gracious invitation of Noah and his family into a place of safety, now the flood of waters was coming. For thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation — Those are righteous indeed that are righteous before God; that have not only the form of godliness by which they appear right... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 7:2

Here are necessary orders given concerning the brute creatures that they were to be preserved alive with Noah in the ark. He must carefully preserve every species, that no tribe, no, not the least considerable, might entirely perish out of the creation. Observe in this: God's care for man. Doth God... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 7:4

Yet seven days and I will cause it to rain — It shall be seven days yet before I do it, After the 120 years were expired, God grants them a reprieve of seven days longer, both to shew how slow he is to anger, and to give them some farther space for repentance. But all in vain; these seven days were... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 7:7

And Noah went in with his sons, and his wife, and his sons wives — And the brute creatures readily went in with him. The same hand that at first brought them to Adam to be named, now brought them to Noah to be preserved.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 7:11

The six hundredth year of Noah's life, was 1656 years from the creation. In the second month, the seventeenth day of the month — Which is reckoned to be about the beginning of November; so that Noah had had a harvest just before, from which to victual his ark. The same day the fountains of the great... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 7:14

And every beast after his kind — According to the phrase used in the history of the creation, Genesis 1:21, Genesis 1:24, to intimate, that just as many species as were created at first were saved now, and no more.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 7:21

All flesh died, all in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was on the dry land, every living substance — And why so? Man only had done wickedly, and justly is God's hand against him, but these sheep what have they done? I answer, 1. We are sure God did them no wrong. He is the soverei... [ Continue Reading ]

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