Habakkuk 3:2

Thy speech — In answer to the inquiry made Habakkuk 1:13. Was afraid — Trembled at what thou speakest. In the midst of the years — Even before the seventy years are expired. Make known — Thy truth, wisdom, power, and compassion.... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:3

God — The God of our fathers, discovered himself from Teman, a mountain not far from mount Sinai, where the law was given. Paran — Near Sinai. His glory — This the prophet mentions as a support of his faith, that God so gloriously appeared among their fathers. Full of his praise — Of works which wer... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:4

As the light — Pure, clear as the sun, but much more dazzling. His hand — The face of Moses shined; the face, yea, hands of our God, shine with glorious light. There — In that light wherewith he appeared. The hiding — Which discovered much of it, but hid much more; it was light inaccessible.... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:5

Before him — When God was leading the Israelites out of Egypt, he made the pestilence go before him, so preparing room for his people.... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:6

He stood — Gave his presence with Joshua, as one that stood by while the work was done. The land — The promised land. He beheld — Looked with a frowning countenance. Drove asunder — Cast them out, his eye did this, for he looked on them, and did this. His ways — The wisdom, goodness, justice, holine... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:7

The tents — The people that dwelt in them. Arabia — Near whose borders Israel marched. In affliction — In fear and pain, lest that mighty people should fall on them. The curtains — Those that dwelt within them; these people dwelt in tents, which were made up on the sides with curtains.... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:8

The sea — The Red Sea. Ride — As a general in the head of his army. Upon thine horses — Alluding to the manner of men. Salvation — No; but he came to save his people.... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:9

Thy bow — One part of armour is put for the whole. The Lord is represented as armed, in readiness to smite through all his enemies. According to the oaths — In pursuance of his oath made to our fathers, and their posterity. Cleave the earth — When they were to march through a dry and thirsty land.... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:10

Overflowing — The inundation which at that season was wont to be very great in and round Jordan, passed away at the word of God; the waters below flowed, and ran from those above, which stood on a heap to make a path for Israel. The deep — Either the deep channel in which Jordan flowed, or the Red S... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:13

With thine anointed — Under the conduct of thine anointed, Joshua, the type of the Messiah. Thou woundest — Gavest a deadly wound to the kings of Canaan. The house of the wicked — The courts of these kings were houses of the vilest wickedness. By discovering — Destroying all from head to foot.... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:14

Villages — All the cities and all the unwalled towns. They — The inhabitants of Canaan. As a whirlwind — With violence invading me on every side. To scatter — To disperse and drive away the Israelites. Their rejoicing — They rejoiced in full confidence of swallowing up Israel unawares.... [ Continue Reading ]

Habakkuk 3:16

When I heard — What dreadful desolations God threatened against Israel. My heart trembled — Another effect of surprising fears and astonishment. Rottenness — A decay of all my strength. That I might rest — These fears made me betake myself to God, that I might rest in him. He — The king of Babylon.... [ Continue Reading ]

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