Hebrews 10:1

From all that has been said it appears, that the law, the Mosaic dispensation, being a bare, unsubstantial shadow of good things to come, of the gospel blessings, and not the substantial, solid image of them, can never with the same kind of sacrifices, though continually repeated, make the comers th... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:3

There is a public commemoration of the sins both of the last and of all the preceding years; a clear proof that the guilt thereof is not perfectly purged away.... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:5

When he cometh into the world — In the fortieth psalm the Messiah's coming into the world is represented. It is said, into the world, not into the tabernacle, Hebrews 9:1; because all the world is interested in his sacrifice. A body hast thou prepared for me — That I may offer up myself. Psalms 40:6... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:7

In the volume of the book — In this very psalm it is written of me. Accordingly I come to do thy will — By the sacrifice of myself.... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:9

Then said he — in that very instant he subjoined. Lo, I come to do Thy will — To offer a more acceptable sacrifice; and by this very act he taketh away the legal, that he may establish the evangelical, dispensation.... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:15

In Hebrews 10:15, the apostle winds up his argument concerning the excellency and perfection of the priesthood and sacrifice of Christ. He had proved this before by a quotation from Jeremiah; which he here repeats, describing the new covenant as now completely ratified, and all the blessings of it s... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:19

Having finished the doctrinal part of his epistle, the apostle now proceeds to exhortation deduced from what has been treated of Hebrews 5:4, which he begins by a brief recapitulation. Having therefore liberty to enter, —... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:20

By a living way — The way of faith, whereby we live indeed. Which he hath consecrated — Prepared, dedicated, and established for us. Through the veil, that is, his flesh — As by rending the veil in the temple, the holy of holies became visible and accessible; so by wounding the body of Christ, the G... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:22

Let us draw near — To God. With a true heart — In godly sincerity. Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience — So as to condemn us no longer And our bodies washed with pure water — All our conversation spotless and holy, which is far more acceptable to God than all the legal sprinklings an... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:25

Not forsaking the assembling ourselves — In public or private worship. As the manner of some is — Either through fear of persecution, or from a vain imagination that they were above external ordinances. But exhorting one another — To faith, love, and good works. And so much the more, as ye see the d... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:26

For when we — Any of us Christians. Sin wilfully — By total apostasy from God, termed "drawing back," Hebrews 10:38. After having received the experimental knowledge of the gospel truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins — None but that which we obstinately reject.... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:28

He that, in capital cases, despised (presumptuously transgressed) the law of Moses died without mercy — Without any delay or mitigation of his punishment.... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:29

Of how much sorer punishment is he worthy, who — By wilful, total apostasy. It does not appear that this passage refers to any other sin. Hath, as it were, trodden underfoot the Son of God — A lawgiver far more honourable than Moses. And counted the blood wherewith the better covenant was establishe... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:30

The Lord will judge his people — Yea, far more rigorously than the heathens, if they rebel against him. Deuteronomy 32:35, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:34

For ye sympathized with all your suffering brethren, and with me in particular; and received joyfully the loss of your own goods.... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:38

Now the just — The justified person. Shall live — In God's favour, a spiritual and holy life. By faith — As long as he retains that gift of God. But if he draw back — If he make shipwreck of his faith My soul hath no pleasure in him — That is, I abhor him; I cast him off. Habakkuk 2:3, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

Hebrews 10:39

We are not of them who draw back to perdition — Like him mentioned Hebrews 10:38. But of them that believe — To the end, so as to attain eternal life.... [ Continue Reading ]

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