As other people — With feastings, triumphs, and sacrifices of
thanksgiving. A reward — Such as is given by adulterers to lewd
women; thou hast loved to see thy floor full, and hast said thy idols
gave thee this plenty.... [ Continue Reading ]
The floor — The corn which is gathered into the floor. The wine —
press — The wine that is prest out in it. Shall not feed — Shall
not nourish and strengthen the idolaters. Shall fail — Samaria and
all Israel expect a full vintage, but they expect it from their idols,
and therefore shall be disappoi... [ Continue Reading ]
Ephraim — Many of Ephraim shall fly into Egypt. And they — The
residue shall be carried captive into Assyria.... [ Continue Reading ]
Wine — offerings — These were appointed to be offered with the
morning and evening sacrifice, the sacrifice representing Christ, and
pardon by him; the wine — offering, the spirit of grace: the
sacrifice repeated, daily continued their peace and pardon. All this
shall be withheld from these captives... [ Continue Reading ]
What will ye do — You will not then be suffered to observe any of
them.... [ Continue Reading ]
They are gone — Some are already withdrawn from the desolation that
cometh. Egypt — In Egypt they hope to be quiet and survive these
desolations, but they shall die in Egypt. The pleasant places —
Their beautiful houses built for keeping their wealth in. Nettles —
Shall be ruined, and lie in rubbish... [ Continue Reading ]
The prophet — The false prophet. The spiritual man — That pretends
to be full of the spirit of prophecy. For thine iniquity — God began
his punishments in giving them over to believe their false prophets.
The great hatred — Which God had against your sins.... [ Continue Reading ]
The watchman — The old true prophets indeed were with God. My God
— The God of Hosea. The prophet — The false prophets have, as well
as the people, left God. Is a snare — Their pretended predictions
are but a snare, such as fowlers lay. And hatred — Such prophets are
full of hatred and malice: yea,... [ Continue Reading ]
I found Israel — The Lord speaks of himself in the person of a
traveller, who unexpectedly in the wilderness finds a vine loaded with
grapes; such love did God bear to Israel. Your fathers — Whom I
brought out of Egypt. As the first — ripe — As the earliest ripe
fruit of the fig — tree, which is mos... [ Continue Reading ]
Their glory — Their children or posterity, which was the glory of
Israel. Shall fly — It is proverbial, and speaks a sudden loss of
children. From the birth — As soon as born. From the womb — Their
mothers shall not bring their fruit alive into the world. The
conception — Their wives shall not conce... [ Continue Reading ]
Not a man left — There shall be a total extirpation of them. When I
depart — To compleat their misery, I will depart from them. It is
sad to lose our children, but sadder to lose our God.... [ Continue Reading ]
To the murderer — He will send them forth in mighty armies; but it
will be sending them out to the slaughter.... [ Continue Reading ]
Give then — It is an abrupt but pathetic speech of one that shews
his trouble for a sinking, undone nation. A miscarrying womb — It is
less misery to have none, than to have all our children murdered.... [ Continue Reading ]
All their wickedness — The chief or beginning. There I hated them
— As there they began to sin so notoriously, there I began to shew
that I hated them.... [ Continue Reading ]