Vision — Or, the visions; the word being here collectively used: the
sense is, this is the book of the visions or prophecies. As prophets
were called Seers, 1 Samuel 9:9, so prophecies are called visions,
because they were as clearly and certainly represented to the prophets
minds, as bodily objects... [ Continue Reading ]
Hear — He directs his speech to those senseless creatures, that he
might awaken the Israelites, whom he hereby proclaims to be so dull
and stupid that they were past hearing, and therefore calls in the
whole creation of God to bear witness against them. The Lord — This
is his plea against them, of t... [ Continue Reading ]
Know — Me their owner and master. Knowing is here taken practically,
as it is usually in scripture, and includes reverence and obedience.... [ Continue Reading ]
A seed — The children of wicked parents, whose guilt they inherit,
and whose evil example they follow. Corrupters — Heb. that corrupt
themselves, or others by their counsel and example. Backward —
Instead of proceeding forward and growing in grace.... [ Continue Reading ]
Head — The very head and heart of the body politick, from whence the
plague is derived to all the other members.... [ Continue Reading ]
In your presence — Which your eye shall see to torment you, when
there is no power in your hands to deliver you. As — Heb. as the
overthrow of strangers, that is, which strangers bring upon a land
which is not likely to continue in their hands, and therefore they
spare no persons, and spoil and dest... [ Continue Reading ]
Is left — Is left solitary, all the neighbouring villages and
country round about it being laid waste.... [ Continue Reading ]
Of Sodom — So called for their resemblance of them in wickedness.
The law — The message which I am now to deliver to you from God,
your great lawgiver.... [ Continue Reading ]
To me — Who am a spirit, and therefore cannot be satisfied with such
carnal oblations, but expect to have your hearts and lives, as well as
your bodies and sacrifices, presented unto me. Blood — He mentions
the fat and blood, because these were in a peculiar manner reserved
for God, to intimate that... [ Continue Reading ]
To appear — Upon the three solemn feasts, or upon other occasions.
Who required — The thing I commanded, was not only, nor chiefly,
that you should offer external sacrifices, but that you should do it
with true repentance, with faith in my promises, and sincere
resolutions of devoting yourselves to... [ Continue Reading ]
The solemn meeting — The most solemn day of each of the three
feasts, which was the last day.... [ Continue Reading ]
Blood — You are guilty of murder, and oppression.... [ Continue Reading ]
Wash — Cleanse your hearts and hands.... [ Continue Reading ]
Learn — Begin to live soberly, righteously, and godly. Judgment —
Shew your religion to God, by practising justice to men. Judge —
Defend and deliver them.... [ Continue Reading ]
If — If you are fully resolved to obey all my commands. Shall eat
— Together with pardon, you shall receive temporal and worldly
blessings.... [ Continue Reading ]
The city — Jerusalem, which in the reign of former kings was
faithful to God. An harlot — Is filled with idolatry. Murderers —
Under that one gross kind, he comprehends all sorts of unrighteous men
and practices.... [ Continue Reading ]
Rebellious — Against me their sovereign Lord. Companions of thieves
— Partly by giving them connivance and countenance, and partly by
practising the same violence, and cruelty, and injustice that thieves
used to do. Gifts — That is, bribes given to pervert justice.... [ Continue Reading ]
And purge — I will purge out of thee, those wicked men that are
incorrigible, and for those of you that are curable, I will by my
word, and by the furnace of affliction, purge out all that corruption
that yet remains in you.... [ Continue Reading ]
Thy counsellors — Thy princes shall hearken to wise and faithful
counsellors. Called faithful — Thou shalt be such.... [ Continue Reading ]
Redeemed — Shall be delivered from all their enemies and calamities.
With — Or, by judgment, that is, by God's righteous judgment,
purging out those wicked and incorrigible Jews, and destroying their
unmerciful enemies. Converts — Heb. her returners, those of them who
shall come out of captivity int... [ Continue Reading ]
The oaks — Which, after the manner of the Heathen, you have
consecrated to idolatrous uses. Gardens — In which, as well is in
the groves, they committed idolatry.... [ Continue Reading ]
The strong — Your idols, which you think to be strong and able to
defend you. As tow — Shall be as suddenly and easily, consumed by my
judgments, as tow is by fire. The maker — Of the idol, who can
neither save himself nor his workmanship.... [ Continue Reading ]