Burden — The burden of the Assyrian. The anointing — Possibly this may be understood of David, who is often mentioned in scripture by the name of God's anointed; and for whose sake, God gave many deliverances to the succeeding kings and ages, as is expressly affirmed, 1 Kings 11:32, 1 Kings 11:34. God declares that he would give this very deliverance from the Assyrian, for David's sake, 2 Kings 19:34, 2 Kings 20:6. But the Messiah is principally intended, of whom David was but a type; and who was in a particular manner anointed above his fellows, as is said, Psalms 45:7. For he is the foundation of all the promises, 2 Corinthians 1:20, and of all the deliverances and mercies granted to God's people in all ages.

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