Isaiah 43:1

But — Notwithstanding thy gross insensibleness, I will deal mercifully with thee. Created — That made thee his people, and that in so miraculous a manner as if he had created thee a second time. Redeemed — From the Egyptians. Called thee — By the name of God's people, which was as proper and peculia... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:3

I gave Egypt — This was fulfilled when the king of Assyria, Esar — haddon, who designed to revenge his father's disgrace, upon the Jews, was diverted and directed by God to employ his forces against Egypt, and Ethiopia, and Seba. Seba — The Sabaeans were confederate with the Ethiopians.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:4

Since — From the time that I chose thee for my people, I have had an affection for thee. Men — As I gave up the Egyptians, so I am ready to give up others to save thee, as occasion requires.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:7

For my glory — And therefore I will glorify my power and goodness, and faithfulness in delivering them. Formed — I have not only created them out of nothing, but I have also formed and made them my peculiar people.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:9

Assembled — To plead the cause of their idols with me. This — This wonderful work of mine in bringing my people out of captivity. Former things — Such things as shall happen long before the return from the captivity, which yet your blind idols cannot foresee. Witnesses — Who can testify the truth of... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:10

Ye — You my people are able to witness for me, that I have given you plain demonstrations of my certain knowledge of future events. My servant — Cyrus who is an eminent instance and proof of God's foreknowledge: or, the Messiah, who is the most eminent witness in this cause. Understand — That I am t... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:12

I — I first foretold your deliverance, and then effected it. When — And this I did when you did not worship any idols.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:14

Sent — I have sent Cyrus against Babylon, to this very end, that he might deliver you out of captivity. Chaldeans — The common people of Chaldea, who make fearful outcries, as they flee away from the Persians in ships.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:17

The chariot — Pharaoh and his chariots and horses, and army. Lay down — In the bottom of the sea. They never rose again to molest the Israelites. Quenched — As the wick of a candle when it is put into the water, is extinguished.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:18

Remember not — Tho' your former deliverance out of Egypt was glorious: yet in comparison of that inestimable mercy of sending the Messiah, all your former deliverances are scarce worthy of your remembrance and consideration.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:19

A new thing — Such a work as was never yet done in the world. Now — The scripture often speaks of things at a great distance of time, as if they were now at hand; to make us sensible of the inconsiderableness of time, and all temporal things, in comparison of God, and eternal things; upon which acco... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:20

The beast — Shall have cause, if they had abilities, to praise me for their share in this mercy. Dragons — Which live in dry and barren deserts.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:22

For — God called to the Gentiles to be his people, because the Jews forsook him. Weary — Thou hast not esteemed my service to be a privilege, but a burden and bondage.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:23

Honoured — Either thou didst neglect sacrificing to me; or didst perform it merely out of custom or didst dishonour me, and pollute thy sacrifices by thy wicked life. Although — Altho' God had not laid such heavy burdens upon them, nor required such costly offerings, as might give them cause to be w... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:24

Sweet cane — This was used in the making of that precious ointment, Exodus 30:34, and for the incense, Exodus 30:7. Thou hast been niggardly in my service, when thou hast, spared for no cost in the service of thine idols. Nor filled me — Thou hast not multiplied thy thank — offerings and free — will... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:27

Thy father — This may be put for their forefathers; and so he tells them, that as they were sinners, so also were their progenitors, yea even the best of them. Teachers — Thy priests and prophets; who were their intercessors with God: and if these were transgressors, the people had no reason to fanc... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 43:28

Therefore — I have exposed them to contempt and destruction. Princes — The highest and best of your priests. Curse — To utter destruction, to which persons or things accursed were devoted.... [ Continue Reading ]

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