Jeremiah 16:5

Enter not — Do not go to comfort such as mourn for any relations dead, (for their feastings upon those occasions were upon a consolatory account) those that die are most happy, for I will take away the peace of this people, and deprive them of all my mercy and loving — kindness.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 16:6

Nor cut — Cutting themselves and cutting off their hair, were Pagan customs, which God forbad his own people; but yet it seemed they practised them: but saith God, Men shall die so fast that they shall have no leisure to cut themselves.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 16:7

Deal bread — It was a custom among them, when they had any friend, that had lost his relations, to send them some meat (for among the Hebrews all things they ate were called bread) and then to go and sup with them, and speak comfortably to them. The cup — They were also wont to send wine, that they... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 16:8

Go — God did not only forbid his prophet to go into houses of mourning, but forbad him to go into houses, where they were wont to eat and drink upon a more chearful account.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 16:16

Fishers — Those enemies whom God made use of to destroy the Jews, hunting them out of all holes and coverts wheresoever they should take sanctuary.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 16:18

I will recompense — Before I will restore them, I will plentifully punish them, (for so double here signifies, not the double of what their sins deserve.) Defiled — By their idolatry, blood and cruelty. Detestable — Unclean beasts offered to their idols, or innocent persons slain by them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 16:21

Therefore — Because all the mercy I have shewed them, will not learn them to know my might, I will once for all make them to understand it, by the dreadful strokes of my vengeance. And — They shall know that my name is Jehovah; that I am not such a one as their idols, but one who have my being from... [ Continue Reading ]

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