Jeremiah 18:6

Cannot I do — That God hath an absolute sovereign power to do what he pleases with the work of his hands: but he acts as a just judge, rendering to every man according to his works.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 18:14

Of Lebanon — Lebanon had rocks, and also fruitful valleys; snow fell upon these rocks, and upon a thaw ran down into the lower places. Reason teaches men not to forsake a greater good for a less, tho' that greater good was but a poor creature comfort, not to be compared with God.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 18:15

Vanity — Idols. Ancient paths — The ways wherein Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all the ancient patriarchs walked. To walk — In a way not cast up, not fit for God's people to walk in.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 18:17

East wind — The east wind was in those parts the fiercest wind. As the east — wind scatters the chaff, so saith God, I will scatter them. In their calamity — And when they shall be in great calamity, I will turn my back upon them, I will not regard their prayers.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 18:18

For — We have the church on our side; the regular priests and the prophets, they know God's mind as well as he. Let us smite him with the tongue — Expose him, representing him to be what the people hate.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 18:21

Therefore — But is it lawful for God's servants to pray for evil against their enemies? It is not lawful for Christians. It is doubtless our duty, to pray for the conversion, forgiveness, and eternal salvation of our worst enemies.... [ Continue Reading ]

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