Jeremiah 31:5

Samaria — Samaria was the metropolis of the ten tribes. Mountains are convenient for vineyards, being free from shades and exposed to the sun. Shall plant — God promises them a liberty to plant, and that they should enjoy their plantations, eating them as common things, which they could not do 'till... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 31:9

With weeping — Some think that it had been better translated, they went weeping; for though the verb be the future tense in the Hebrew, yet that tense has often the signification of the preterperfect tense, thus it answereth, Psalms 126:5. He that goeth forth weeping, bearing precious seed, shalt do... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 31:11

Hath redeemed — God will as certainly do it, as if he had already done it. In their deliverance as well from Babylon as Egypt, they were types of the deliverance of God's people, by Christ; as well as in their entering into Canaan, they were types of the saints, entering into heaven.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 31:12

And sing — All the phrases in this verse signify one thing, the happy state of the Jews, after their return from captivity. The height of Zion means the temple. A watered garden — They shall be a beautiful, flourishing, and growing people. Soul seems here to be taken for the whole man. Not sorrow —... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 31:15

In Ramah — That is, in Canaan, and particularly in Ramah, where Nebuzar — adan, Jeremiah 40:1, disposed of the prisoners he had taken, setting some at liberty, ordering others to death, and carrying the rest away to Babylon, which caused a bitter weeping and lamentation. Rachel — Rachel is here brou... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 31:18

I have heard — The prophet here shews the change that would be wrought in the hearts of the Israelites preceding this return from their captivity. As a bullock — Which ordinarily are very unruly when they are first put into it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 31:19

Surely — After God had changed our hearts, we repented. I smote — After God had instructed us, by his prophets, by our afflictions, and by his Holy Spirit, we smote upon our thighs in testimony of our sorrow. The reproach — The just punishment of the sins which I had long ago committed.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 31:20

For since — From the time I spake against him by my threatenings, I remember him with the affection and compassion of a father.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 31:21

Set up — Thou shalt return to these cities which thou now leavest, therefore take good notice of the way, set up marks by which thou mayest know it again, make thee pillars or some high heaps of stones in the way, mind well the way that the Assyrians and the Babylonians carried thee, for thou shalt... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 31:22

Backsliding — Running after idols; or seeking help from foreign nations, instead of applying to God. A woman — This seems to be a promise of the Jewish church in its time, and of the gospel — church, prevailing over all its enemies; though, considering the fewness of the church's members, with the m... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 31:23

The Lord of hosts — These prophecies of the restoration of the Jews, are ordinarily prefaced with these two attributes of God, the one of which asserts his power to do the thing promised; the other his goodness to his people.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 31:31

Behold — And not only with the Jews, but all those who should be ingrafted into that Olive. It is not called the new covenant, because it was as to the substance new, for it was made with Abraham, Genesis 17:7, and with the Jews, Deuteronomy 26:17, but because it was revealed after a new manner, mor... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 31:32

Not according — The covenant which God made with the Jews when they came out of the land of Egypt, was on God's part the law which he gave them, with the promises annexed; on their part (which made it a formal covenant) their promise of obedience to it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 31:33

With — That is, with those who are Jews inwardly. And write it — The prophet's design is here to express the difference betwixt the law and the gospel. The first shews duty, the latter brings the grace of regeneration, by which the heart is changed, and enabled for duty. All under the time of the la... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 31:40

The valley — A valley, so called from the multitude of Sennacherib's army slain there. Of the ashes — So called from the ashes of the sacrifices carried thither. Holy — All these places shall be parts of the holy city, and God's name shall be sanctified, and he shall be worshipped in them all. For e... [ Continue Reading ]

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