Jeremiah 32:5

Until I visit him — Perhaps in mercy; it is certain Zedekiah was not put to death, only carried to Babylon, where some think he afterward found favour with the king of Babylon.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 32:9

The money — The price of land was strangely fallen at this time, when the enemy was besieging the chief city of the country.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 32:11

I took — It is probable, that upon such sales among the Jews, two instruments were made, the one sealed up, to be kept by the purchaser, the other open, to be shewed to the judges, and by them ratified.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 32:12

Baruch — This Baruch (Jeremiah 46:4, Jeremiah 46:26,) was a scribe, and an attendant upon Jeremiah. Witnesses — He made this purchase with all the usual formalities; he signed and sealed it before witnesses, and delivered it to Baruch to keep, in the presence of all the Jews.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 32:24

The mounts — Rather engines of war with which those nations used to batter walls, or to shoot great stones into places besieged.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 32:39

One heart — I will give them union and concord, one mind and judgment. One way — They shall all worship me according, to the rule I have given them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 32:40

I will make — This promise manifestly relates to those Jews that should receive the Lord Jesus Christ, unless it be to be understood of a national conversion of the Jews, not yet effected.... [ Continue Reading ]

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