Jeremiah 33:2

The Lord — The maker thereof, of Jerusalem, or of these promises, his name is Jehovah; he hath a sufficiency in himself to make good his word.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 33:5

They — The Jews sally out and fight with their enemies, but to no purpose, but to fill their houses with their own dead bodies, whom I will cause in my anger to be slain.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 33:6

I will cure — The miserable disturbed state of a nation being compared to wounds and sickness, the restoring of it to a peaceable prosperous state is fitly called its health and cure. I will bring them again to a quiet and peaceable state in which they shall abide many days.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 33:15

The branch — The kings they had hitherto had of the line of David, were most of them unrighteous men, but God promises that after the captivity, they should have a branch of David who would execute judgment and righteousness in the land, for the protection and government of those that feared him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 33:16

Saved — It is the opinion of some that a spiritual salvation and security is promised under these expressions, but by the most and best interpreters, a temporal salvation. This was typical of that spiritual and eternal salvation which is promised to the true Israel of God; as their rest in Canaan ty... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 33:17

David — That is, apparently a promise relating to Christ, for David's line had failed long since, had it not been continued in Christ, whose kingdom is and shall be an everlasting kingdom.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 33:18

A man — That is, a ministry to abide in the church to the end of the world, nor is it unusual for God in the Old Testament to express promises to be fulfilled under the gospel by expressions proper to the Old Testament.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 33:20

My covenant — The same with the ordinances mentioned, Jeremiah 31:35. God's law established in the course of natural causes, by virtue of which the day and night, orderly succeed one another. The succession of the gospel ministry in the church of God to abide for ever, shall be as certain as the suc... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 33:22

Of David — Christ is himself called David, whose seed and whose Levites are multiplied in the multiplying of Christians and of faithful ministers under the gospel, which are the things here promised.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 33:24

The two families — The families of David and Aaron. Despised — Spoken scornfully of my people, as if they should never be a nation more, having rulers of themselves, and a ministry.... [ Continue Reading ]

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