Jeremiah 40:1

Ramah — Ramah was a city in the tribe of Benjamin near Gibeon. Babylon — Jeremiah was by mistake and expressly contrary to the king's orders carried amongst the other prisoners; probably the captain of the guard at that place called over his prisoners, and among them found the prophet contrary to hi... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 40:5

Now — Jeremiah before he was gone out of the presence of Nebuzar — adan, declaring that he was more inclined to stay in his own country, Nebuzar — adan bid him, Go back.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 40:8

Ishmael — It is likely these were commanders of parties, which either were within the city 'till it was taken, and then escaped, or where somewhere in the country, and not so much regarded by the Chaldeans, who were more intent upon the conquest of the city, than pursuing these little parties.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 40:10

I will dwell — I have choice made of Mizpah, a city upon the frontiers, to make my residence, it being a convenient place for me to receive orders from the king of Babylon. But ye — Gather such fruits as the country affords, as you use to do in the times of peace.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 40:12

Returned — Probably upon the king of Babylon's first invading Judah, many fled, and more as he went on his conquests, over — running the country; and it is likely at the taking of the city, many escaped, and fled into several countries, as they had opportunity, or judged this or that country would b... [ Continue Reading ]

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