Job 1:1

Uz — Part of Arabia. Perfect — Not legally or exactly, but as to his sincere intentions, hearty affections, and diligent endeavours to perform all his duties to God and men. Upright — Heb. right, exact and regular in all his dealings, with men; one of an unblameable conversation. Feared — One truly... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 1:3

Camels — Camels in these parts were very numerous, and very useful, both for carrying burdens in these hot and dry countries, as being able to endure thirst much better than other creatures, and for service in war. Asses — He — asses also may be included in this expression, because the greatest part... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 1:4

Feasted — To testify and maintain their brotherly love. His day — Each his appointed day, perhaps his birth — day, or the first day of the month.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 1:5

When — When each of them had had his turn. Satisfied — He exhorted them to examine their own consciences, to repent of any thing, which had been amiss in their feasting, and compose their minds for employments of a more solemn nature. Early — Thereby shewing his ardent zeal in God's service. May be... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 1:6

A day — A certain time appointed by God. The sons — The holy angels, so called, Job 38:7; Daniel 3:25, Daniel 3:28, because of their creation by God, for their resemblance of him in power, and dignity, and holiness, and for their filial affection and obedience, to him. Before — Before his throne, to... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 1:9

For nought — Out of pure love and respect to thee? No. It is policy, not piety, that makes him good; he doth not serve thee, but serveth himself of thee, serving thee for his own ends.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 1:12

Behold, &c. — It seems strange, that, God should give Satan such a permission as this. But he did it for his own glory, for the honour of Job, for the explanation of providence, and the encouragement of his afflicted people in all ages.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 1:14

Messenger, &c. — One messenger immediately followed another; Satan so ordering by God's permission, that there might seem to be more than ordinary displeasure of God against him in his troubles, and that he might not have leisure to recollect himself, but be overwhelmed by a complication of calamiti... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 1:15

Sabeans — A people of Arabia, who led a wandering life, and lived by robbery and spoil. I — Whom Satan spared, that Job might have speedy and certain intelligence of his calamity.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 1:16

The fire of God — As thunder is the voice of God, so lightning is his fire. How terrible then were the tidings of this destruction, which came immediately from the hand of God! And seemed to shew, that God was angry at his very offerings, and would receive no more from his hands.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 1:19

The young men — This was the greatest of Job's losses, and therefore Satan reserved it to the last, that if the other provocations failed, this might make him curse God. They died by a wind of the devils raising, but which seemed to be the immediate hand of God. And they were taken away, when he had... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 1:20

Shaved — Caused his hair to be shaved or cut off, which was then an usual ceremony in mourning. Worshipped — Instead of cursing God, which Satan said he would do, he adored him, and gave him the glory of his sovereignty, of his justice, and of his goodness also, in this most severe dispensation.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 1:21

Naked — I brought none of these things with me, when I came out of my mother's womb into the world, but I received them from the hand of God, who hath now required his own again. Return thither — I shall be as rich when I die as I was when I was born, and therefore have reason to be contented with m... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 1:22

Charged — Heb. not imputed folly to God; so far was he from blaspheming God, that he did not entertain any dishonourable thought of God, as if he had done anything unworthy of his infinite wisdom, or justice, or goodness, but heartily acquiesced in his good pleasure, and in his righteous though shar... [ Continue Reading ]

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