Job 14:1

Man — A weak creature, and withal corrupt and sinful, and of that sex by which sin and all other calamity was brought into the world.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 14:2

Flower — The flower is fading, and all its beauty soon withers and is gone. The shadow is fleeting, and its very being will soon be lost in the shadows of night. Of neither do we make any account, in neither do we put any confidence.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 14:5

Determined — Limited to a certain period. With thee — In thy power and disposal. Thou hast appointed a certain end of his days, beyond which he cannot prolong his life.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 14:6

Turn — Withdraw thine afflicting hand from him, that he may have some present ease. 'Till — He come to the period of his life, which thou hast allotted to him, as a man appoints a set time to an hired servant.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 14:10

Man — Two words are here used for man. Geber, a mighty man, tho' mighty, dies. Adam, a man of earth, returns to it. Before death, he is dying daily, continually wasting away. In death, he giveth up the ghost, the spirit returns to God that gave it. After death, where is he? Not where he was: his pla... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 14:11

As — So it is with man. Or thus, as when the waters fail from the sea, when the sea forsakes the place into which it used to flow, the river which was fed by it, decayeth and drieth up without all hopes of recovery.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 14:12

Lieth — In his bed, the grave. 'Till — Until the time of the general resurrection, when these visible heavens shall pass away.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 14:13

The grave — The grave is not only a resting — place, but an hiding — place to the children of God. He hides them in the grave, as we hide our treasure in a place of secrecy and safety. Hide me there, not only from the storms of this life, but for the glory of a better. Until thy wrath be past — As l... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 14:14

Shall he live? — He shall not in this world. Therefore I will patiently wait 'till that change comes, which will put a period to my calamities.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 14:15

Answer thee — Thou shalt call my soul to thyself: and I will chearfully answer, Here I am: knowing thou wilt have a desire to the work of thy hands — A love for the soul which thou hast made, and new — made by thy grace.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 14:17

Sealed — As writings or other choice things, that they may all be brought forth upon occasion, and not one of them forgotten. Thou keepest all my sins in thy memory. But herein Job speaks rashly.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 14:18

And — As when a great mountain falls, by an earthquake or inundation, it moulders away like a fading leaf, (as the Hebrew word signifies) and as the rock, when by the violence of winds or earthquakes it is removed out of its place, and thrown down, is never re — advanced: and as the waters by contin... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 14:21

Knoweth not — Either is ignorant of all such events: or, is not concerned or affected with them. A dead or dying man minds not these things.... [ Continue Reading ]

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