Job 15:2

Fill — Satisfy his mind and conscience. East wind — With discourses not only unprofitable, but also pernicious both to himself and others; as the east — wind was in those parts.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:4

Castest off — Heb. thou makes void fear; the fear of God, piety and religion, by thy unworthy speeches of God, and by those false and pernicious principles, that God makes no difference between good and bad in the course of his providence, but equally prospers or afflicts both: thou dost that which... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:5

Uttereth — Thy words discover the naughtiness of thy heart. Crafty — Thou speakest wickedly, and craftily: thou coverest thy impious principles with fair pretences of piety.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:11

Are — Are those comforts, which we have propounded to thee on condition of thy repentance, small and contemptible in thine eyes? Secret — Hast thou any secret and peculiar way of comfort which is unknown to us, and to all other men?... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:12

Why — Why dost thou suffer thyself to be transported by the pride of thine heart, to use such unworthy expressions? Wink — Why dost thou look with such an angry, supercilious, and disdainful look?... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:13

Against God — Eliphaz here does in effect give the cause on Satan's side, and affirms that Job had done as he said he would, Curse God to his face.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:15

Saints — In his angels, Job 4:18, who are called his saints or holy ones, Deuteronomy 33:2; Psalms 103:20. Who though they were created holy, yet many of them fell. Heavens — The angels that dwell in heaven; heaven being put for its inhabitants. None of these are pure, simply and perfectly, and comp... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:16

Who — Who besides his natural proneness to sin, has contracted habits of sinning; and sins as freely, as greedily and delightfully, as men, especially in those hot countries, drink up water.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:17

I — I will prove what I have affirmed, that such strokes as thine are peculiar to hypocrites. Seen — I speak not by hear — say, but from my own experience.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:18

Hid — They judged it to be so certain and important a truth, that they would not conceal it in their own breasts.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:19

To whom — By the gracious gift of God: this he alleges to make their testimony more considerable, because these were no obscure men, but the most worthy and famous men in their ages; and to confute what Job had said, Job 9:24, that the earth was given into the hand of the wicked. By the earth he mea... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:20

Pain — Lives a life of care, and fear, and grief, by reason of God's wrath, the torments of his own mind, and his outward calamities. Hidden — He knows not how short the time of his life is, and therefore lives in continual fear of losing it. Oppressor — To the wicked man: he names this one sort of... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:21

A sound — Even when he feels no evil, he is tormented with perpetual fears. Come upon him — Suddenly and unexpectedly.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:22

Believeth not — When he falls into trouble, he despairs of deliverance, by reason of his guilty conscience. Waited for — Besides the calamity which is upon him, he is in constant expectation of greater; the sword is used for any grievous affliction.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:25

For — Now he gives the reason of all the fore — mentioned calamities, which was his great wickedness. Against God — He sinned against God with an high hand. The Almighty — Which aggravates the madness of this poor worm that durst fight against the omnipotent God.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:26

He — The wicked man. Neck — As a stout warrior who cometh close to his adversary and grapples with him. He acts in flat opposition to God, both to his precepts and providences. Bosses — Even where his enemy is strongest.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:27

Because — This is mentioned as the reason of his insolent carriage towards God, because he was fat, rich, potent, and successful, as that expression signifies, Deuteronomy 32:15; Psalms 78:31; Jeremiah 46:21. His great prosperity made him proud and secure, and regardless of God and men. Fat — His on... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:28

But — This is fitly opposed to the prosperity last mentioned, and is the beginning of the description of his misery.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:30

Depart — His misery shall have no end. Flame — God's anger and judgment upon him. Branches — His wealth, and power, and glory, wherewith he was encompassed, as trees are with their branches. His mouth — And this expression intimates, with how much ease God subdueth his enemies: his word, his blast;... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:31

Vanity — In the vain and deceitful things of this world, he subjoins a general caution to all men to take heed of running into the same error and mischief. Vanity — Disappointment and dissatisfaction, and the loss of all his imaginary felicity. Recompence — Heb. his exchange; he shall exchange one v... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 15:32

Accomplished — That vanity should be his recompence. Before — When by the course of nature, and common providence he might have continued much longer.... [ Continue Reading ]

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