Job 22:2
Can, &c. — Why dost thou insist so much upon thy own righteousness, as if thou didst oblige God by it.... [ Continue Reading ]
Can, &c. — Why dost thou insist so much upon thy own righteousness, as if thou didst oblige God by it.... [ Continue Reading ]
Is it — Such a pleasure as he needs for his own ease and contentment. Nay, God needs not us, or our services. We are undone, forever undone without him: but he is happy, forever happy without us.... [ Continue Reading ]
Reprove — Punish thee. Because he is afraid, lest if he should let thee alone, thou wouldst grow too great and powerful for him: surely no. As thy righteousness cannot profit him, so thy wickedness can do him no hurt.... [ Continue Reading ]
Evil — Is not thy evil, thy affliction, are not thy calamities procured by, and proportionable to thy sins.... [ Continue Reading ]
Surely — He speaks thus by way of strong presumption, when I consider thy unusual calamities, I conclude thou art guilty of all, or some of these crimes. Brother — Of thy neighbour. Nought — Without sufficient and justifiable cause. Stripped — By taking their garment for a pledge, or by robbing them... [ Continue Reading ]
Dwelt — Either by thy sentence or permission, he had a peaceable and sure possession of it, whether he had right to it, or no.... [ Continue Reading ]
Arms — Their supports, and rights.... [ Continue Reading ]
Or — Either thou art troubled with fear of further evils or with the gross darkness of thy present state of misery. Waters — Variety of sore afflictions, which are frequently compared to water.... [ Continue Reading ]
Heaven — And from that high tower looketh down upon men, to behold, and govern, and recompense all their actions, whether good or bad. How high — Yet God is far higher than they, and from thence can easily see all things.... [ Continue Reading ]
Walketh — His delight is in heaven, which is worthy of his care, but he will not burden himself with the care of earth: which was the opinion of many Heathen philosophers, and, as they fancied, was Job's opinion also.... [ Continue Reading ]
Old way — Heb. the way of antiquity, of men living in ancient times, their end or success.... [ Continue Reading ]
Out of — Before their time. A flood — Who, together with their foundation, the earth and all their supports and enjoyments in it, were destroyed by the general deluge.... [ Continue Reading ]
Who — He repeats Job's words, Job 21:14, but to a contrary purpose. Job alleged them to shew that they prospered notwithstanding their wickedness; and Eliphaz produces them to shew that they were cut off for it.... [ Continue Reading ]
Yet — Yet it is true, that for a time God did prosper them, but at last, cut them off in a tremendous manner, But — He repeals Job's words, Job 21:16, not without reflection: thou didst say so, but against thy own principle, that God carries himself indifferently towards good and bad; but I who have... [ Continue Reading ]
Because — Because when wicked men are destroyed, they are preserved. He should have said their substance; but he changes the person, and saith, our substance; either as including himself in the member of righteous persons, and thereby intimating that he pleaded the common cause of all such, while Jo... [ Continue Reading ]
Him — With God, renew thy acquaintance with God by prayer, and repentance for all thy sins, and true humiliation under his hand, and hearty compliance with all his commands, and diligent care to serve and enjoy him. It is our honour, that we are made capable of this acquaintance, our misery that by... [ Continue Reading ]
Receive — Take the rule whereby thou governest thy thoughts, and words, and whole life, not from thy own imaginations or passions, but from God, from his law, which is written in thy own mind, and from the doctrines and instructions of the holy men of God. And do not only hear them with thine ears,... [ Continue Reading ]
If — The Hebrew phrase is emphatical, and implies a thorough turning from sin, to God, so as to love him, and cleave to him, and sincerely devote a man's self to his fear and service. Built — God will repair thy ruins, and give thee more children, and bless thee with prosperity. Thou shalt — It is e... [ Continue Reading ]
Lift up — Look up to him, with chearfulness and confidence.... [ Continue Reading ]
Make — The word is, thou shalt multiply thy prayer. Under all thy burdens, in all thy wants, cares and fears, thou shalt send to heaven for wisdom, strength and comfort. Pay — Thou shalt obtain those blessings for which thou didst make vows to God, and therefore, according to thy obligation, shalt p... [ Continue Reading ]
Established — Thy purposes shalt not be disappointed, but ratified by God. And in all thy counsels, and actions, God shall give thee the light of his direction and governance, and of comfort and success.... [ Continue Reading ]
Cast down — All round about thee, in a time of general calamity. There is — God will deliver thee. He — God.... [ Continue Reading ]
He, &c. — God will have so great a respect to thy innocency, that for thy sake he will deliver those that belong to thee, or live with thee, or near thee, thought in themselves they be ripe for destruction. Their hands — By thy prayers proceeding from a pure heart and conscience. So Eliphaz and his... [ Continue Reading ]