Job 23:2

To — day — Even at this time, notwithstanding all your pretended consolations. Stroke — The hand or stroke of God upon me. Groaning — Doth exceed my complaints.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 23:3

O — I desire nothing more than his acquaintance and presence; but alas, he hides his face from me. Seat — To his throne or judgment — seat to plead my cause before him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 23:5

Know — If he should discover to me any secret sins, for which he contendeth with me, I would humble myself before him, and accept of the punishment of mine iniquity.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 23:6

No — He would not use his power against me, but for me; by enabling me to plead my cause, and giving sentence according to that clemency, which he uses towards his children.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 23:7

There — At that throne of grace, where God lays aside his majesty, and judges according to his wonted clemency. Dispute — Humbly propounding the grounds of their confidence. So — Upon such a fair and equal hearing. Delivered — From the damnatory sentence of God. This and some such expressions of Job... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 23:8

Is not — As a judge to hear and determine my causes, otherwise he knew God was essentially present in all places.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 23:14

Performeth — Those calamities which he hath allotted to me. And — There are many such examples of God's proceeding with men.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 23:17

Because — God did not cut me off by death. Before — These miseries came upon me. Covered — By hiding me in the grave.... [ Continue Reading ]

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