Job 30:1

Younger — Whom both universal custom, and the light of nature, taught to reverence their elders and betters. Whose fathers — Whose condition was so mean, that in the opinion, of the world, they were unworthy to be my shepherds the companions of my dogs which watch my flocks.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:3

Solitary — Although want commonly drives persons to places of resort for relief, yet they were so conscious of their own guilt, that they shunned company, and for fear or shame fled into, and lived in desolate places.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:4

Who cut — Bitter herbs, which shews their extreme necessity. Juniper — Possibly the word may signify some other plant, for the Hebrews themselves are at a loss for the signification of the names of plants.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:7

Brayed — Like the wild asses, for hunger or thirst. Thorns — Under which they hide themselves, that they might not be discovered when they are sought out for justice.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:10

Spit — Not literally, for they kept far from him, but figuratively, they use all manner of reproachful expressions, even to my face. Herein, also we see a type of Christ, who was thus made a reproach of men, and despised of the people.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:11

He — God. Cord — Hath slackened the string of my bow, and so rendered my bow and arrows useless; he hath deprived me of my strength or defence. Let loose — They cast off all former restraints of humanity, or modesty, and do those things before mine eyes, which formerly they trembled lest they should... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:12

Right hand — This was the place of adversaries or accusers in courts of justice. The youth — Heb. young striplings, who formerly hid themselves from my presence, Job 29:8. Push — Metaphorically, they endeavour to overwhelm me. Ways — Cause — ways, or banks: so it is a metaphor from soldiers, who cas... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:13

Mar — As I am in great misery, so they endeavour to stop all my ways out of it. Set forward — Increasing it by their invectives, and censures. Even they — Who are themselves in a forlorn and miserable condition.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:14

Waste place — In the waste place; in that part of the bank which was broken down. They rolled — As the waters, come rolling in at the breach.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:15

Terrors — If he endeavoured to shake them off, they turned furiously upon him: if he endeavoured to out run them, they pursued his soul, as swiftly and violently as the wind.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:22

Thou — Thou exposest me, to all sorts of storms and calamities; so that I am like chaff or stubble lifted up to the wind, and violently tossed hither and thither in the air. Substance — By which, my body is almost consumed, and my heart is melted within me.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:23

House appointed — The grave is a narrow, dark, cold house, but there we shall rest and be safe. It is our home, for it is our mother's lap, and in it we are gathered to our fathers. It is an house appointed for us, by him that has appointed the bounds of all our habitations. And it is appointed for... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:24

To the grave — The hand of God's wrath will not follow me beyond death; I shall then be safe and easy: Tho' men cry in his destruction: tho' most men cry and are affrighted, while they are dying, while the body is sinking into destruction; yet I desire it, I have nothing to fear therein, since I kno... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:25

Did not I — Have I now judgment without mercy, because I afforded no mercy to others in misery? No; my conscience acquits me from this inhumanity: I did mourn over others in their miseries.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:28

Without the sun — Heb. black, not by the sun. My very countenance became black, tho' not by the sun, but by the force of my disease.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:29

A brother — By imitation of their cries: persons of like qualities are often called brethren. Dragon — Which howl and wail mournfully in the deserts.... [ Continue Reading ]

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