Job 35:2

Thou saidst — Not that Job said this in express terms, but he said those things from which this might seem to follow, as that God had punished him more than he deserved.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 35:3

Thou saidst — Another imputation upon God. Unto thee — Unto me; such changes of persons being frequent in the Hebrew language. What profit, &c. — God does not reward so much as I deserve. But it was not fair to charge this upon Job, which he had neither directly nor indirectly affirmed.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 35:5

Clouds, &c. — They are far above us, and God is far above them. How much then is he out of the reach either of our sins or our services?... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 35:10

None — Few or none of the great numbers of oppressed persons. God — They cry out to men, but they seek not God, and therefore if God do not hear their cries it is not unjust. Maker — Who alone made me, and who only can deliver me. Who when our condition is ever so dark and sad, can turn our darkness... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 35:11

Who — This is an aggravation of mens neglect of God in their misery. God hath given men, what he hath denied to beasts, wisdom to know God and themselves. Therefore they are inexcusable, for not using that wisdom, by calling on God in the time of trouble.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 35:12

Because — God doth not answer their cries, because they are both evil, wicked and impenitent, and proud, unhumbled for those sins for which God brought these miseries upon them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 35:14

See him — Thou canst not understand his dealings with thee. Here Elihu answers another objection of Job's: and tells him that though God may for a season delay to answer, yet he will certainly do him right. Judgment — Justice is at his tribunal, and in all his ways and administrations. Trust — Inste... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 35:15

Because — Because Job doth not acknowledge God's justice and his own sins. He — God. Anger — Hath laid grievous afflictions upon him. He — Job is not sensible of it, so as to be humbled under God's hand.... [ Continue Reading ]

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