Job 37:2

Hear — It is probable that while Elihu was speaking it thundered, and that tempest was begun, wherewith God ushered in his speech. And this might occasion his return to that subject of which he had discoursed before. Voice — The thunder is called God's voice. Because by it God speaks to the children... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:3

Directeth — His voice: which he guideth like an arrow to the mark, that it may do that work for which he sends it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:4

After — After the lightning, which is seen before the thunder is hard. Them — The lightnings spoken of in the beginning of the verse.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:7

Sealeth — By these snows and rains he drives men out of the fields, and seals or binds up their hands from their work. That — They may seriously contemplate on these, and other great and glorious works of God.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:10

The waters — The waters which had freely spread themselves before, are congealed and bound up in crystal fetters.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:11

Watering — The earth. They spend themselves and are exhausted watering the earth, until they are weary. Wearieth — Them with much water, and making them to go long journeys to water remote parts, and at last to empty themselves there: all which things make men weary; and therefore are here said to m... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:12

Turned — The clouds are carried about to this or that place. Not by chance (though nothing seems to be more casual than the motions of the clouds) but by his order and governance.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:13

Correction — To scourge or correct men by immoderate showers. Earth — The whole earth, which is said to be the Lord's, Psalms 24:1, Psalms 50:12, and so this may denote a general judgment by excessive rains inflicted upon the earth, and all its inhabitants, even the universal deluge, which came in g... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:14

Consider — If there be so much matter of wonder in the most obvious works of God, how wonderful must his secret counsels be?... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:15

Them — The things before mentioned, the clouds, rain, snow, and other meteors. Did God acquaint thee with his counsels in the producing and ordering of them? His cloud — Probably the rainbow, seated in a cloud, which may well be called God's cloud, because therein God puts his bow, Genesis 9:13.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:16

Balancings — How God doth as it were weigh the clouds in balances, so that although they are full of water, yet they are kept up by the thin air.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:17

Quieteth — The air about the earth. From the south — By the sun's coming into the southern parts, which makes the air quiet and warm.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:18

With him — Wast thou his assistant in spreading out the sky like a canopy over the earth? Strong — Which though it be very thin and transparent, yet is also firm and compact and steadfast. Looking glass — Made of brass and steel, as the manner then was. Smooth and polished, without the least flaw. I... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:19

Teach us — If thou canst. Say unto him — Of these things. Order — To maintain discourse with him, both because of the darkness of the matter, God's counsels being a great depth; and because of the darkness of our minds.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:20

Shall — I send a challenge to God, or a message that I am ready to debate with him concerning his proceedings? Speak — If a man should be so bold to enter the lists with God. Swallowed up — With the sense of his infinite majesty.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:21

Light — The sun; which is emphatically called light, and here the bright light: which men cannot behold or gaze on, when the sky is very clear: and therefore it is not strange if we cannot see God, or discern his counsels and ways. Them — The sky by driving away those clouds which darkened it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:22

North — From the northern winds which scatter the clouds, and clear the sky. Elihu concludes with some short, but great sayings, concerning the glory of God. He speaks abruptly and in haste, because it should seem, he perceived God was approaching, and presumed he was about to take the work into his... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:23

Find — We cannot comprehend him: his power, wisdom, justice, and his counsels proceeding from them are past our finding out. Power — Therefore as he doth not need any unrighteous action to advance himself, so he cannot do it, because all such things are acts of weakness. Judgment — In the just admin... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:24

Fear — Fear or reverence him, and humbly submit to him, and not presume to quarrel or dispute with him. Wise of heart — Wise in their own eyes.... [ Continue Reading ]

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