Job 9:2

I know — That God is just in all his ways, that he doth ordinarily bless the righteous, and punish the wicked. Before God — And I know that no man is absolutely just, if God be severe to mark what is amiss in him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:4

He — He is infinitely wise, and searcheth all mens hearts and ways, and discovers a multitude of sins which mens short sighted — eyes cannot see; and therefore can charge them with innumerable evils, where they thought themselves innocent, and sees far more malignity than men could discern in their... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:5

Who — He proceeds to give evidence of the Divine power and wisdom. Removeth — Suddenly and unexpectedly. They — The mountains, to which he ascribes sense and knowledge figuratively. In anger — In token of his displeasure with the men that live upon them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:6

The earth — Great portions of it, by earthquakes, or by removing islands. Pillars — The deep and inward parts of it, which like pillars supported those parts that appear to our view.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:8

Who. &c. — A farther description of a black and tempestuous season, wherein the heavens seem to be brought down nearer to the earth. Treadeth — Represseth and ruleth them when they rage and are tempestuous: for treading upon any thing, signifies in scripture using power and dominion over it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:9

Ordereth — Disposeth them, governeth their rising and setting, and all their influences. These he names as constellations of greatest eminency; but under them he seems to comprehend all the stars, which as they were created by God, so are under his government. Arcturus is a northern constellation, n... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:10

Doth great things, &c. — Job here says the same that Eliphaz had said, Job 5:9, and in the original, in the very same words, with design to shew his full agreement with him, touching the Divine perfections.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:11

Goeth — He works by his providence in ways of mercy or judgment. Passeth — He goeth from place to place: from one action to another: he speaks of God after the manner of men.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:12

Taketh — If he determines to take away from any man his children or servants, or estate, who is able to restrain him from doing it? Or who dare presume to reprove him for it? And therefore far be it from me to quarrel with God, whereof you untruly accuse me.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:13

Helpers — Those who undertake to uphold and defend one another against him. Stoop — Fall and are crushed by him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:14

How shall I — Since no creature can resist his power, and no man can comprehend his counsels and ways; how can I contend with him? Answer his allegations and arguments, produced against me.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:15

Tho' — Though I were not conscious to myself of any sin. Would not — I durst not undertake to plead my cause against him; or maintain my integrity before him, because he knows me better than I know myself. Supplication — That he would judge favourably of me and my cause, and not according to the rig... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:16

Yet — I could not believe that God had indeed granted my desire, because I am still full of the tokens of his displeasure; and therefore should conclude that it was but a pleasant dream, and not a real thing.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:17

Breaketh — Unexpectedly, violently, and irrecoverably. Cause — Not simply without any desert of his, but without any special cause of such singular afflictions; and peculiar and extraordinary guilt, such as his friends charged him with.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:19

If — If my cause were to be decided by power. Is Strong — Stronger than I. Judgment — If I would contend with him in a way of right. Who — There is no superior judge that can summon him and me together.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:21

Perfect — If I should think myself perfect, yet I would not know, not acknowledge, my soul; I could not own nor plead before God the integrity of my soul, but would only make supplication to my judge, I would abhor, or condemn my life, I would not trust to the integrity either of my soul and heart,... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:22

This — In the other things which you have spoken of God's greatness, and justice, I do not contend with you, but this one thing I do, and must affirm against you. He — God sends afflictions promiscuously upon good and bad men.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:23

Suddenly — If some common judgment come upon a people. Laugh — God will be well pleased, to see how the same scourge, which is the perdition of the wicked, is the trial of the innocent, and of their faith, which will be found unto praise and honour and glory.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:24

The earth — The dominion over it. Into — Into their power. As good men are frequently scourged, so the wicked are advanced. Faces — Meantime he covers the faces of wise and good men, fit to be judges, and buries them alive in obscurity, perhaps suffers them to be condemned, and their faces covered a... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:25

Now — What he had said of the calamities which God frequently inflicts upon good men, he now exemplifies in himself. My days — The days of my life. Post — Who rides upon swift horses. See — I enjoy no good in them. Seeing is often put for experiencing either good or evil.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:26

Eagle — Which flies swiftly, especially when in the sight of his prey. See here how swift the motion of time is! It is always upon the wing, hastening to its period. What little need have we of past — times! What great need to redeem time, which runs out, runs on so fast toward eternity! And how vai... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:28

Afraid — I find all such endeavours vain; for if my griefs be suspended for a time, yet my fears continue. Will not — I plainly perceive thou, O God, (to whom he makes a sudden address, as he doth also, Job 9:31,) wilt not clear my innocency by removing those afflictions which make them judge me gui... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:29

I shall — I shall be used like a wicked man still. Why — Why then should I comfort myself with vain hopes of deliverance, as thou advisest me.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:31

Yet — God would prove him to be a most guilty creature, notwithstanding all his purity before men. Abhor — I shall be so filthy, that my own clothes, if they had any sense in them, would abhor to touch me.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:32

A man — But one infinitely superior to me in majesty, and power, and wisdom, and justice. That — That I should presume to debate my cause with him. Come — Face to face, to plead upon equal terms.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:33

Days — man — Or, umpire. Lay his hand — Order and govern us in pleading; and oblige us to stand to his decision. Our Lord Jesus is now the blessed days — man, who has mediated between heaven and earth, has laid his hand upon us both: to him the father hath committed all judgment. But this was not ma... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:34

Fear — The fear and dread of his majesty and justice. Let him not deal with me according to his perfect justice, but according to his grace and clemency.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 9:35

Then — I would speak freely for myself, being freed from that dread, which takes away my spirit and courage. It is not — I am not free from his terror, and therefore cannot plead my cause with him.... [ Continue Reading ]

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