John 12:1

Six days before the passover — Namely, on the Sabbath: that which was called by the Jews, "The Great Sabbath." This whole week was anciently termed "The great and holy week." Jesus came — From Ephraim, John 11:54.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:2

It seems Martha was a person of some figure, from the great respect which was paid to her and her sister, in visits and condolences on Lazarus's death, as well as from the costly ointment mentioned in the next verse. And probably it was at their house our Lord and his disciples lodged, when he retur... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:3

Then Mary, taking a pound of ointment — There were two persons who poured ointment on Christ. One toward the beginning of his ministry, at or near Nain, Luke 7:37, &c. The other six days before his last passover, at Bethany; the account of whom is given here, as well as by St. Matthew and Mark.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:10

The chief priests consulted, how to kill Lazarus also — Here is the plain reason why the other evangelists, who wrote while Lazarus was living, did not relate his story.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:12

The next day — On Sunday. Who were come to the feast — So that this multitude consisted chiefly of Galileans, not men of Jerusalem. Matthew 21:8.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:16

These things his disciples understood not at first — The design of God's providential dispensations is seldom understood at first. We ought therefore to believe, though we understand not, and to give ourselves up to the Divine disposal. The great work of faith is, to embrace those things which we kn... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:17

When he called Lazarus out of the tomb — How admirably does the apostle express, as well the greatness of the miracle, as the facility with which it was wrought! The easiness of the Scripture style on the most grand occurrences, is more sublime than all the pomp of orators.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:18

The multitude went to meet him, because they heard — From those who had seen the miracle. So in a little time both joined together, to go before and to follow him.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:20

Certain Greeks — A prelude of the Gentile Church. That these were circumcised does not appear. But they came up on purpose to worship the God of Israel.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:21

These came to Philip of Bethsaida in Galilee — Perhaps they used to lodge there, in their journey to Jerusalem. Or they might believe, a Galilean would be more ready to serve them herein, than a Jew. Sir — They spake to him, as to one they were little acquainted with. We would see Jesus — A modest r... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:23

The hour is come that the Son of man should be glorified — With the Father and in the sight of every creature. But he must suffer first.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:24

Unless a grain of wheat die — The late resurrection of Lazarus gave our Lord a natural occasion of speaking on this subject. And agreeable to his infinite knowledge, he singles out, from among so many thousands of seeds, almost the only one that dies in the earth: and which therefore was an exceedin... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:25

He that loveth his life — More than the will of God; shall lose it eternally: and he that hateth his life — In comparison of the will of God, shall preserve it. Matthew 10:39.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:26

Let him follow me — By hating his life: and where I am — In heaven. If any man serve me — Thus, him will the Father honour.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:27

Now is my soul troubled — He had various foretastes of his passion. And what shall I say? — Not what shall I choose? For his heart was fixed in choosing the will of his Father: but he laboured for utterance. The two following clauses, Save me from this hour — For this cause I came — Into the world;... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:28

Father, glorify thy name — Whatever I suffer. Now the trouble was over. I have glorified it — By thy entrance into this hour. And I will glorify it — By thy passing through it.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:29

The multitude who stood and heard — A sound, but not the distinct words — In the most glorious revelations there may remain something obscure, to exercise our faith. Said, It thundered — Thunder did frequently attend a voice from heaven. Perhaps it did so now.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:31

Now — This moment. And from this moment Christ thirsted more than ever, till his baptism was accomplished. Is the judgment of this world — That is, now is the judgment given concerning it, whose it shall be. Now shall the prince of this world — Satan, who had gained possession of it by sin and death... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:32

Lifted up from the earth — This is a Hebraism which signifies dying. Death in general is all that is usually imported. But our Lord made use of this phrase, rather than others that were equivalent, because it so well suited the particular manner of his death. I will draw all men — Gentiles as well a... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:34

How sayest thou, The Son of man must be lifted up? — How can these things be reconciled? Very easily. He first dies, and then abideth for ever. Who is this Son of man? — Is he the Christ? Psalms 110:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:35

Then Jesus said to them — Not answering them directly, but exhorting them to improve what they had heard already. The light — I and my doctrine.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:38

The arm of the Lord — The power of God manifested by Christ, in his preaching, miracles, and work of redemption. Isaiah 53:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:39

Therefore now they could not believe — That is, by the just judgment of God, for their obstinacy and wilful resistance of the truth, they were at length so left to the hardness of their hearts, that neither the miracles nor doctrines of our Lord could make any impression upon them.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:41

When he saw his glory — Christ's, Isaiah 6:1, &c. And it is there expressly said to be the glory of the Lord, Jehovah, the Supreme God.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:44

Jesus said with a loud voice — This which follows to the end of the chapter, is with St. John the epilogue of our Lord's public discourses, and a kind of recapitulation of them. Believeth not on me — Not on me alone, but also on him that sent me: because the Father hath sent the Son, and because he... [ Continue Reading ]

John 12:47

I judge him not — Not now: for I am not come to judge the world. See, Christ came to save even them that finally perish! Even these are a part of that world, which he lived and died to save.... [ Continue Reading ]

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