John 5:2

There is in Jerusalem — Hence it appears, that St. John wrote his Gospel before Jerusalem was destroyed: it is supposed about thirty years after the ascension. Having five porticos — Built for the use of the sick. Probably the basin had five sides! Bethesda signifies the house of mercy.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:4

An angel — Yet many undoubtedly thought the whole thing to be purely natural. At certain times — Perhaps at a certain hour of the day, during this paschal week, went down — The Greek word implies that he had ceased going down, before the time of St. John's writing this. God might design this to rais... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:15

The man went and told the Jews, that it was Jesus who had made him whole — One might have expected, that when he had published the name of his benefactor, crowds would have thronged about Jesus, to have heard the words of his mouth, and to have received the blessings of the Gospel. Instead of this,... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:17

My Father worketh until now, and I work — From the creation till now he hath been working without intermission. I do likewise. This is the proposition which is explained John 5:19, confirmed and vindicated in John 5:31 and following verses.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:18

His own Father — The Greek word means his own Father in such a sense as no creature can speak. Making himself equal with God — It is evident all the hearers so understood him, and that our Lord never contradicted, but confirmed it.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:19

The Son can do nothing of himself — This is not his imperfection, but his glory, resulting from his eternal, intimate, indissoluble unity with the Father. Hence it is absolutely impossible, that the Son should judge, will, testify, or teach any thing without the Father, John 5:30, &c; John 6:38; Joh... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:20

The Father showeth him all things that himself doth — A proof of the most intimate unity. And he will show him — By doing them. At the same time (not at different times) the Father showeth and doth, and the Son seeth and doth. Greater works — Jesus oftener terms them works, than signs or wonders, be... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:21

For — He declares which are those greater works, raising the dead, and judging the world. The power of quickening whom he will follows from the power of judging. These two, quickening and judging, are proposed John 5:21. The acquittal of believers, which presupposes judgment, is treated of John 5:24... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:22

For neither doth the Father judge — Not without the Son: but he doth judge by that man whom he hath ordained, Acts 17:31.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:23

That all men may honour the Son, even as they honour the Father — Either willingly, and so escaping condemnation, by faith: or unwillingly, when feeling the wrath of the Judge. This demonstrates the EQUALITY of the Son with the Father. If our Lord were God only by office or investiture, and not in t... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:30

I can do nothing of myself — It is impossible I should do any thing separately from my Father. As I hear — Of the Father, and see, so I judge and do; A because I am essentially united to him. See John 5:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:32

There is another — The Father, John 5:37, and I know that, even in your judgment, his testimony in beyond exception.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:34

But I have no need to receive, &c. But these things — Concerning John, whom ye yourselves reverence, I say, that ye may be saved — So really and seriously did he will their salvation. Yet they were not saved. Most, if not all of them, died in their sins.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:35

He was a burning and a shining light — Inwardly burning with love and zeal, outwardly shining in all holiness. And even ye were willing for a season — A short time only.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:37

He hath testified of me — Namely at my baptism. I speak not of my supposed father Joseph. Ye are utter strangers to him of whom I speak.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:38

Ye have not his word — All who believe have the word of the Father (the same with the word of the Son) abiding in them, that is, deeply ingrafted in their hearts.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:39

Search the Scriptures — A plain command to all men. In them ye are assured ye have eternal life — Ye know they show you the way to eternal life. And these very Scriptures testify of me.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:42

But I know you — With this ray he pierces the hearts of the hearers. And this doubtless he spake with the tenderest compassion.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 5:44

While ye receive honour — That is, while ye seek the praise of men rather than the praise of God. At the feast of pentecost, kept in commemoration of the giving the law from Mount Sinai, their sermons used to be full of the praises of the law, and of the people to whom it was given. How mortifying t... [ Continue Reading ]

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