John 7:1

After these things Jesus walked in Galilee — That is, continued there, for some months after the second passover. For he would not walk — Continue in Judea; because the Jews — Those of them who did not believe; and in particular the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees, sought an opportunity to kil... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:2

The feast of tabernacles — The time, manner, and reason of this feast may be seen, Leviticus 23:34, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:3

His brethren — So called according to the Jewish way of speaking. They were his cousins, the sons of his mother's sister. Depart hence — From this obscure place.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:4

For no man doth any thing — Of this kind, in secret; but rather desireth to be of public use. If thou really dost these things — These miracles which are reported; show thyself to the world — To all men.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:7

The world cannot hate you — Because ye are of the world. But me it hateth — And all that bear the same testimony.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:10

He also went up to the feast — This was his last journey but one to Jerusalem. The next time he went up he suffered.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:12

There was much murmuring among the multitude — Much whispering; many private debates with each other, among those who were come from distant parts.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:13

However no man spake openly of him — Not in favour of him: for fear of the Jews — Those that were in authority.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:14

Now at the middle of the feast — Which lasted eight days. It is probable this was on the Sabbath day. Jesus went up into the temple — Directly, without stopping any where else.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:15

How does this man know letters, having never learned? — How comes he to be so well acquainted with sacred literature as to be able thus to expound the Scripture, with such propriety and gracefulness, seeing he has never learned this, at any place of education?... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:16

My doctrine is not mine — Acquired by any labour of learning; but his that sent me — Immediately infused by him.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:17

If any man be willing to do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God — This is a universal rule, with regard to all persons and doctrines. He that is thoroughly willing to do it, shall certainly know what the will of God is.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:20

The people answered, Thou hast a devil — A lying spirit. Who seeketh to kill thee? — These, coming from distant parts, probably did not know the design of the priests and rulers.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:21

I did — At the pool of Bethesda: one work — Out of many: and ye all marvelled at it — Are amazed, because I did it on the Sabbath day.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:22

Moses gave you circumcision — The sense is, because Moses enjoined you circumcision (though indeed it was far more ancient than him) you think it no harm to circumcise a man on the Sabbath: and are ye angry at me (which anger had now continued sixteen months) for doing so much greater a good, for he... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:27

When Christ cometh, none knoweth whence he is — This Jewish tradition was true, with regard to his Divine nature: in that respect none could declare his generation. But it was not true with regard to his human nature, for both his family and the place of his birth were plainly foretold.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:28

Then cried Jesus — With a loud and earnest voice. Do ye both know me, and know whence I am ? — Ye do indeed know whence I am as a man. But ye know not my Divine nature, nor that I am sent from God.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:29

l am from him — By eternal generation: and he hath sent me — His mission follows from his generation. These two points answer those: Do ye know me? Do ye know whence I am?... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:34

Ye shall seek me — Whom ye now despise. These words are, as it were, the text which is commented upon in this and the following chapter. Where I am — Christ's so frequently saying while on earth, where I am, when he spake of his being in heaven, intimates his perpetual presence there in his Divine n... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:35

Will he go to the dispersed among the Greeks — The Jews scattered abroad in heathen nations, Greece particularly. Or, Will he teach the Greeks? — The heathens themselves.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:37

On the last, the great day of the feast — On this day there was the greatest concourse of people, and they were then wont to fetch water from the fountain of Siloam, which the priests poured out on the great altar, singing one to an other, With joy shall ye draw water from the wells of salvation. On... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:38

He that believeth — This answers to let him come to me. And whosoever doth come to him by faith, his inmost soul shall be filled with living water, with abundance of peace, joy, and love, which shall likewise flow from him to others. As the Scripture hath said — Not expressly in any one particular p... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:39

The Holy Ghost was not yet given — That is, those fruits of the Spirit were not yet given even to true believers, in that full measure.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:42

From Bethlehem — And how could they forget that Jesus was born there? Had not Herod given them terrible reason to remember it? Micah 5:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:48

Hath any of the rulers — Men of rank or eminence, or of the Pharisees — Men of learning or religion, believed on him?... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:49

But this populace, who know not the law — This ignorant rabble; are accursed — Are by that ignorance exposed to the curse of being thus seduced.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:50

Nicodemus, he that came to him by night — Having now a little more courage, being one of them — Being present as a member of the great council, saith to them — Do not we ourselves act as if we knew not the law, if we pass sentence on a man before we hear him?... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:52

They answered — By personal reflection; the argument they could not answer, and therefore did not attempt it. Art thou also a Galilean? — One of his party? Out of Galilee ariseth no prophet — They could not but know the contrary. They knew Jonah arose out of Gethhepher; and Nahum from another villag... [ Continue Reading ]

John 7:53

And every man went to his own house — So that short plain question of Nicodemus spoiled all their measures, and broke up the council! A word spoken in season, how good it is! Especially when God gives it his blessing.... [ Continue Reading ]

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