I — The God of infinite compassions and goodness. That great city — Wouldest thou have me less merciful to such a goodly city, than thou art to a weed? Who cannot discern — Here are more than six — score innocents who are infants. Much cattle — Beside men, women and children who are in Nineveh, there are many other of my creatures that are not sinful, and my tender mercies are and shall be over all my works. If thou wouldest be their butcher, yet I will be their God. Go Jonah, rest thyself content and be thankful: that goodness, which spared Nineveh, hath spared thee in this thy inexcusable frowardness. I will be to repenting Nineveh what I am to thee, a God gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and I will turn from the evil which thou and they deserve.

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