The first born of Joseph — The sense is, though Ephraim was to be more potent and numerous, yet Manasseh was the first — born, and had the privilege of the first — born, which was translated to Joseph, namely, a double portion; and therefore though this was but half the tribe of Manasseh, yet they are not made intimates to Ephraim, but have a distinct lot of their own, as their brethren, or other half tribe had beyond Jordan. For Machir — The only son of Manasseh, who therefore is here, put for the whole tribe. The first — born — So even only sons are sometimes called, as Matthew 1:25. He — That is, Machir, had given great proof of his valour (though the particular history be not mentioned) and his posterity were no degenerate sons, but had his valiant blood still running in their veins. Gilead and Bashan — Part of these countries; for part of them was also given to the Reubenites, and part to the Gadites. This may be added as a reason, either, why he got those places from the Amorites: or why they were allotted to him or his posterity, because this was a frontier country, and the out — works to the land of Canaan, and therefore required valiant persons to defend it.

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