Jude 1:1

Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ — The highest glory which any, either angel or man, can aspire to. The word servant, under the old covenant, was adapted to the spirit of fear and bondage that clave to that dispensation. But when the time appointed of the Father was come, for the sending of his Son t... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:3

When I gave all diligence to write to you of the common salvation — Designed for all, and enjoyed by all believers. Here the design of the epistle is expressed; the end of which exactly answers the beginning. It was needful to exhort you to contend earnestly — Yet humbly, meekly, and lovingly; other... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:4

There are certain men crept in, who were of old described before — Even as early as Enoch; of whom it was foretold, that by their wilful sins they would incur this condemnation. Turning the grace of God — Revealed in the gospel. Into lasciviousness — Into an occasion of more abandoned wickedness.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:5

He afterwards destroyed — The far greater part of that very people whom he had once saved. Let none therefore presume upon past mercies, as if he was now out of danger.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:6

And the angels, who kept not their first dignity — Once assigned them under the Son of God. But voluntarily left their own habitation — Then properly their own, by the free gift of God. He reserved — Delivered to be kept. In everlasting chains under darkness — O how unlike their own habitation! When... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:7

The cities which gave themselves over to fornication — The word here means, unnatural lusts. Are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire — That is, the vengeance which they suffered is an example or a type of eternal fire.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:8

In like manner these dreamers — Sleeping and dreaming all their lives. Despise authority — Those that are invested with it by Christ, and made by him the overseers of his flock. Rail at dignities — The apostle does not seem to speak of worldly dignities. These they had "in admiration for the sake of... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:9

Yet Michael — It does not appear whether St. Jude learned this by any revelation or from ancient tradition. It suffices, that these things were not only true, but acknowledged as such by them to whom he wrote. The archangel — This word occurs but once more in the sacred writings, 1 Thessalonians 4:1... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:10

But these — Without all shame. Rail at the things of God which they know not — Neither can know, having no spiritual senses. And the natural things, which they know — By their natural senses, they abuse into occasions of sin.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:11

Woe unto them — Of all the apostles St. Jude alone, and that in this single place, denounces a woe. St. Peter, to the same effect, pronounces them "cursed children." For they have gone in the way of Cain — The murderer. And ran greedily — Literally, have been poured out, like a torrent without banks... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:12

These are spots — Blemishes. In your feasts of love — Anciently observed in all the churches. Feeding themselves without fear — Without any fear of God, or jealousy over themselves. Twice dead — In sin, first by nature, and afterwards by apostasy. Plucked up by the roots — And so incapable of ever r... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:13

Wandering stars — Literally, planets, which shine for a time, but have no light in themselves, and will be soon cast into utter darkness. Thus the apostle illustrates their desperate wickedness by comparisons drawn from the air, earth, sea, and heavens.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:14

And of these also — As well as the antediluvian sinners Enoch — So early was the prophecy referred to, Jud 1:4. The seventh from Adam — There were only five of the fathers between Adam and Enoch, 1 Chronicles 1:1. The first coming of Christ was revealed to Adam; his second, glorious coming, to Enoch... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:15

To execute judgment — Enoch herein looked beyond the flood. Upon all — Sinners, in general. And to convict all the ungodly, in particular, of all the grievous things which ungodly sinners (a sinner is bad; but the ungodly who sin without fear are worse) have spoken against him, Jud 1:8, Jud 1:10, th... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:16

These are murmurers — Against men. Complainers — Literally, complainers of their fate, against God. Walking — With regard to themselves. After their own foolish and mischievous desires. Having men's persons in admiration for the sake of gain — Admiring and commending them only for what they can get.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:17

By the apostles — He does not exempt himself from the number of apostles. For in the next verse he says, they told you, not us.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:19

These are they who separate themselves, sensual, not having the Spirit — Having natural senses and understanding only, not the Spirit of God; otherwise they could not separate. For that it is a sin, and a very heinous one, "to separate from the church," is out of all question. But then it should be... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:20

But ye, beloved, not separating, but building yourselves up in your most holy faith — Than which none can be more holy in itself, or more conducive to the most refined and exalted holiness. Praying through the Holy Spirit — Who alone is able to build you up, as he alone laid the foundation. In this... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:21

By these means, through his grace, keep yourselves in the love of God, and in the confident expectation of that eternal life which is purchased for you, and conferred upon you, through the mere mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:22

Meantime watch over others, as well as yourselves, and give them such help as their various needs require. For instance, Some, that are wavering in judgment, staggered by others' or by their own evil reasoning, endeavour more deeply to convince of the whole truth as it is in Jesus. Some snatch, with... [ Continue Reading ]

Jude 1:24

Now to him who alone is able to keep them from falling — Into any of these errors or sins. And to present them faultless in the presence of his glory — That is, in his own presence, when he shall be revealed in all his glory.... [ Continue Reading ]

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