Judges 10:1

There arose — Not of himself, but raised by God, as the other judges were. To defend — Or, to save, which he did not by fighting against, and overthrowing their enemies, but by a prudent and pious government of them, whereby he kept them from sedition, oppression, and idolatry. In Shamir — Which was... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 10:4

And he had thirty sons — They were itinerant judges, who rode from place to place, as their father's deputies to administer justice. Havoth — jair — These villages were called so before this time from another Jair, but the old name was revived and confirmed upon this occasion.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 10:6

Forsook the Lord — They grew worse and worse, and so ripened themselves for ruin. Before they worshipped God and idols together, now they forsake God, and wholly cleave to idols.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 10:8

That year — Or, that year they had vexed and oppressed the children of Israel eighteen years — This was the eighteenth year from the beginning of that oppression. And these eighteen years are not to be reckoned from Jair's death, because that would enlarge the time of the judges beyond the just boun... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 10:11

The Lord said — Either by some prophet whom he raised and sent for this purpose: or by the high — priest, who was consulted in the case. From the Amorites — Both Sihon and Og, and their people, and other kings of the Amorites within Jordan. Of Ammon — Who were confederate with the Moabites, Judges 3... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 10:12

The Zidonians — We do not read of any oppression of Israel, particularly, by the Zidonians. But many things were done, which are not recorded. The Maonites — Either first, those who lived in, or near the wilderness of Maon, in the south of Judah, 1 Samuel 23:25, 1 Samuel 25:2, whether Edomites or ot... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 10:13

No more — Except you repent in another manner than you yet have done; which when they performed, God suspended the execution of this threatning.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 10:15

Do thou unto us — Do not give us up into the hands of these cruel men, but do thou chastise us with thine own hand as much as thou pleasest; if we be not more faithful and constant to thee, than we have hitherto been.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 10:16

They put away — This was an evidence of the sincerity of their sorrow, that they did not only confess their sins, but also forsake them. His soul, &c. — He acted towards them, like one that felt their sufferings; he had pity upon them, quite changed his carriage towards them, and punished their enem... [ Continue Reading ]

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