Judges 11:1

Gileadite — So called, either from his father Gilead, or from the mountain, or city of Gilead, the place of his birth. Son of a harlot — That is, a bastard. And though such were not ordinarily to enter into the congregation of the Lord, Deuteronomy 23:2. Yet God can dispense with his own laws, and h... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:3

Of Tob — The name either of the land, or of the man who was the owner or ruler of it. This place was in, or near Gilead, as appears by the speedy intercourse which here was between Jephthah and the Israelites. Vain men — Idle persons, who desired rather to get their living by spoil and rapine, than... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:4

Made war — The Ammonites had vexed and oppressed them eighteen years, and now the Israelites begin to make opposition, they commence a war against them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:5

Went — By direction from God, who both qualified him for, and called him to the office of a judge, otherwise they might not have chosen a bastard.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:7

Expel me — And deprive me of all share in my father's goods, which, though a bastard, was due to me. This expulsion of him was the act of his brethren; but he here ascribes it to the elders of Gilead; either because some of them were among these elders, as is very probable from the dignity of this f... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:9

If, &c. — If you recall me from this place where I am now settled, to the place whence I was expelled. Shall I, &c. — Will you really make good this promise? Jephthah was so solicitous in this case, either from his zeal for the public good, which required that he should be so; or from the law of sel... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:10

The Lord be witness — The Lord be an hearer: so the Hebrew word is. Whatever we speak it concerns us to remember, that God is an hearer!... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:11

All his words — Or, all his matters, the whole business. Before the Lord — That is, before the public congregation, wherewith God was usually, and then especially present.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:12

Messengers — That is, ambassadors, to prevent blood — shed, that so the Israelites might be acquitted before God and men, from all the sad consequences of this war; herein he shewed great prudence, and no less piety. What hast thou, &c. — What reasonable cause hast thou for this invasion? In my land... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:13

My land — That is, this land of Gilead, which was mine, but unjustly taken from me, by Sihon and Og, the kings of the Ammonites; and the injury perpetuated by Israel's detaining it from me. This land, before the conquests of Sihon and Og, belonged partly to the Ammonites, and partly to the Moabites.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:16

The Red — sea — Unto which they came three times; once, Exodus 13:18, again, a little after their passage over it, and a third time, long after, when they came to Ezion Geber, which was upon the shore of the Red — Sea, from whence they went to Kadesh; of this time he speaks here.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:22

The coasts — Or, borders; together with all the land included within those borders. Wilderness — Namely, the desert of Arabia.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:23

So the Lord — God, the sovereign Lord of all lands, hath given us this land; this he adds, as a farther and convincing reason; because otherwise it might have been alledged against the former argument, that they could gain no more right to that land from Sihon, than Sihon himself had.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:24

Wilt not thou — He speaks according to their absurd opinion: the Ammonites and Moabites got their land by conquest of the old inhabitants, whom they cast out; and this success, though given them by the true God, for Lot's sake, Deuteronomy 2:9, Deuteronomy 2:19, they impiously ascribe to their god C... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:25

Than Balak — Art thou wiser than he? Or hast thou more right than he had? Balak, though he plotted against Israel, in defence of his own land, which he feared they would invade and conquer, yet never contended with them about the restitution of those lands which Sihon took from him or his predecesso... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:26

Three hundred years — Not precisely, but about that time, either from their coming out of Egypt; or, from their first conquest of those lands. He urges prescription, which is by all men reckoned a just title, and it is fit it should be so for the good of the world, because otherwise the door would b... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:27

I have not — I have done thee no wrong. Be judge — Let him determine this controversy by the success of this day and war.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:29

Spirit came — Indued him with a more than ordinary courage and resolution. Manasseh — That is, Bashan, which the half tribe of Manasseh beyond Jordan inhabited. Mizpeh of Gilead — So called to distinguish it from other cities of the same name, having gathered what forces he suddenly could, he came h... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:33

Minnith — A place not far from Rabbah, the chief city of the Ammonites. Subdued before Israel — It does not appear, that he offered to take possession of the country. Tho' the attempt of others to wrong us, will justify us in the defence of our own right, yet it will not authorize us to do them wron... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:35

Trouble me — Before this, I was troubled by my brethren; and since, by the Ammonites; and now most of all, tho' but occasionally, by thee. Opened my mouth — That is, I have vowed. Cannot go back — That is, not retract my vow; I am indispensably obliged to perform it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:37

Mountains — Which she chose as a solitary place, and therefore fittest for lamentation. Bewail — That I shall die childless, which was esteemed both a curse and a disgrace for the Israelites, because such were excluded from that great privilege of increasing the holy seed, and contributing to the bi... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:39

Did with her — Jephthah's daughter was not sacrificed, but only devoted to perpetual virginity. This appears, From Judges 11:37, where we read, that she bewailed not her death, which had been the chief cause of lamentation, if that had been vowed, but her virginity: From this Judges 11:39, where, af... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 11:40

The daughter of Jephthah — It is really astonishing, that the general stream of commentators, should take it for granted, that Jephthah murdered his daughter! But, says Mr. Henry, "We do not find any law, usage or custom, in all the Old Testament, which doth in the least intimate, that a single life... [ Continue Reading ]

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