Judges 17:1

There was, &c. — The things mentioned here, and in the following chapters, did not happen in the order in which they are put; but much sooner, even presently after the death of the elders that over — lived Joshua, as appears, because Phinehas the son of Eleazar was priest at this time, Judges 20:28,... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 17:2

Cursedst — That is, didst curse the person who had taken them away. I took it — The fear of thy curse makes me acknowledge mine offence, and beg thy pardon. Blessed — I willingly consent to, and beg from God the removal of the curse, and a blessing instead of it. Be thou free from my curse, because... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 17:3

The Lord — In the Hebrew it is, Jehovah, the incommunicable name of God. Whereby it is apparent, that neither she, nor her son, intended to forsake the true God; as appears from his rejoicing when he had got a priest of the Lord's appointment, but only to worship God by an image; which also both the... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 17:4

Restored — Though his mother allowed him to keep it, yet he persisted in his resolution to restore it, that she might dispose of it as she pleased. Two hundred — Reserving nine hundred shekels, either for the ephod or teraphim, or for other things relating to this worship.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 17:5

Of gods — That is, an house consecrated for the service of God in this manner. Teraphim — A sort of images so called. One of his sons — Because the Levites in that corrupt estate of the church, neglected the exercise of their office, and therefore they were neglected by the people, and others put in... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 17:6

No king — No judge to govern and control them. The word king being used largely for a supreme magistrate. God raised up judges to rule and deliver the people, when he saw fit; and at other times for their sins he suffered them to be without them, and such a time this was; and therefore they ran into... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 17:7

Bethlehem — judah — So called here, as Matthew 2:1, Matthew 2:5, to difference it from Bethlehem in Zebulun. There he was born and bred. Of Judah — That is, of or belonging to the tribe of Judah; not by birth, for he was a Levite; but by his habitation and ministration. For the Levites were disperse... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 17:8

To sojourn — For employment and a livelihood; for the tithes and offerings, which were their maintenance, not being brought into the house of God, the Levites and priests were reduced to straights.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 17:10

A father — That is, a priest, a spiritual father, a teacher or instructor. He pretends reverence and submission to him; and what is wanting in his wages, he pays him in titles.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 17:11

Content — Being infected with the common superstition and idolatry of the times. His sons — That is, treated with the same degree of kindness and affection.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 17:12

Consecrated — To be a priest, for which he thought a consecration necessary, as knowing the Levites were no less excluded from the priest's office than the people. The young man — Instead of his son, whom he had consecrated, but now seems to restrain him from the exercise of that office, and to devo... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 17:13

Do me good — I am assured God will bless me. So blind and grossly partial he was in his judgment, to think that one right circumstance would answer for all his substantial errors, in making and worshipping images against God's express command, in worshipping God in a forbidden place, by a priest ill... [ Continue Reading ]

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