All — That is, a great number, and especially the rulers of all the tribes, except Benjamin, Judges 20:3, Judges 20:12. One man — That is, with one consent. Dan, &c. — Dan was the northern border of the land, near Lebanon; and Beersheba the southern border. Gilead — Beyond Jordan, where Reuben, Gad, and half Manasseh were. To the Lord — As to the Lord's tribunal: for God was not only present in the place where the ark and tabernacle was, but also in the assemblies of the gods, or judges, Psalms 82:1, and in all places where God's name is recorded, Exodus 20:24, and where two or three are met together in his name. Mizpeh — A place on the borders of Judah and Benjamin. This they chose, as a place they used to meet in upon solemn occasions, for its convenient situation for all the tribes within and without Jordan; and the being near the place where the fact was done, that it might be more throughly examined; and not far from Shiloh, where the tabernacle was, whither they might go or send.

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