Of Midian — For although the generality of the Midianites had been
cut off by Moses about two hundred years ago, yet many of them
doubtless fled into the neighbouring countries, whence afterwards they
returned into their own land, and in that time might easily grow to be
a very great number; especia... [ Continue Reading ]
Children of the east — That is, the Arabians, who are commonly
called the children of the east. Not all the Arabians; but the eastern
part of them.... [ Continue Reading ]
Unto Gaza — That is, from the east, on which side they entered, to
the well, where Gaza was, near the sea: so they destroyed the whole
land.... [ Continue Reading ]
Without number — That is, so many that it was not easy to number
them. And not in a regular army to engage, but in a confused swarm, to
plunder the country. Yet Israel, being forsaken of God, had not spirit
to make head against them; God fighting against them with those very
terrors, with which othe... [ Continue Reading ]
A prophet — We have reason to hope, God is designing mercy for us,
if we find he is by his grace preparing us for it.... [ Continue Reading ]
Not obeyed my voice — He intends to bring them to repentance. And
our repentance is then genuine, when he sinfulness of sin, as
disobedience to God, is that in it which we chiefly lament.... [ Continue Reading ]
In Ophrah — In Manasseh: there was another Ophrah in Benjamin,
Joshua 18:23. The Abi — ezrite — Of the posterity of Abiezer.
Threshed — Not with oxen, as the manner was, Deuteronomy 25:4, but
with a staff to prevent discovery. Wine — press — In the place
where the wine — press stood, not in the comm... [ Continue Reading ]
Is with thee — That is, will assist thee against thine enemies. Man
of valour — To whom I have given strength and courage for this end.... [ Continue Reading ]
With us — The angel had said, Peace be with Thee: but he
expostulates for All: herding himself with all Israel, and admitting
no comfort, but what they might be sharers in.... [ Continue Reading ]
Looked — With a settled and pleasant countenance, as a testimony of
his favour, and readiness to help him. Go — Or, go now, in thy
might: in the strength which thou hast already received, and dost now
farther receive from me. Have not I sent thee — I do hereby give
thee command and commission for th... [ Continue Reading ]
My family — Heb. my thousand: for the tribes were distributed into
several thousands, whereof each thousand had his peculiar governor. Is
poor — That is, weak and contemptible. The least — Either for age,
or fitness for so great a work.... [ Continue Reading ]
As one man — As easily, as if they were all but one man.... [ Continue Reading ]
That thou — That it is thou, an angel or messenger sent from God,
that appears to me, and discourseth with me. Or, a sign of that which
thou talkest with me; that is, that thou wilt by me smite the
Midianites.... [ Continue Reading ]
My present — A repast for the angel, whom he thought to be a man.
Set it — That thou mayest eat and refresh thyself.... [ Continue Reading ]
An ephah — The choicest part of a whole ephah; as also he brought to
him the best part of a kid dressed; for a whole ephah, and a whole kid
had been superfluous, and improper to provide for one man.... [ Continue Reading ]
Consumed the flesh — By which, he shewed himself to be no man that
needed such provisions, but the Son of God; and by this instance of
his omnipotency, gave him assurance, that he both could, and would
consume the Midianites.... [ Continue Reading ]
Alas — I am an undone man: I must die, and that speedily; for that
he feared, Judges 6:23, according to the common opinion in that case.... [ Continue Reading ]
Said unto him — Perhaps by an audible voice. Peace be to thee —
Thou shalt receive no hurt by this vision; but only peace, that is,
all the blessings needful for thy own happiness, and for the present
work.... [ Continue Reading ]
There — On the top of the rock, as is evident from Judges 6:26,
where that which is here expressed only in general, is more
particularly described. Jehovah — shalom — That is, the Lord's
peace; the sign or witness of God's speaking peace to me, and to his
people: or the place where he spake peace to... [ Continue Reading ]
The second bullock — He was to offer one for himself, the other for
the sins of the people, whom he was to deliver. 'Till sin be pardoned
thro' the great sacrifice, no good is to be expected. Thy father hath
— Which thy father built in his own ground, tho' for the common use
of the city. The grove —... [ Continue Reading ]
Of this rock — Heb. of this strong hold: for in that calamitous time
the Israelites retreated to such rocks, and hid and fortified
themselves in them. Ordered place — That is, in a plain and smooth
part of the rock, where an altar may be conveniently built. And offer
— Gideon was no priest, nor was... [ Continue Reading ]
Ten men — Whom doubtless he had acquainted with his design, and the
assurance of success in it, whereby they were easily induced to assist
him. He feared — Not so much, lest he should suffer for it, as lest
he should be prevented from doing it.... [ Continue Reading ]
Was offered — Not upon Baal's altar, for which it was designed; but
upon an altar erected in contempt of Baal.... [ Continue Reading ]
They said — Probably some of the persons employed in it.... [ Continue Reading ]
Will ye plead — Why are you so zealous in pleading for that Baal,
for the worship whereof you suffer such grievous calamities at this
day? It is plain, that Joash had been a worshipper of Baal: but
probably he was now convinced by Gideon. He that will plead — He
that shall farther plead for such a g... [ Continue Reading ]
He called — Joash called Gideon so, Judges 8:29, in remembrance of
this noble exploit, and to put a brand upon Baal. Jerub — baal —
That is, Let Baal plead. It is a probable conjecture, that that
Jerombalus, whom Sanchoniathon, (one of the most ancient of all the
Heathen writers) speaks of as a prie... [ Continue Reading ]
Of Jezreel — Not Jezreel in Judah, but another in the borders of
Manasseh and Issachar, which was not far distant from Ophrah, where
Gideon dwelt.... [ Continue Reading ]
The spirit came — Inspiring him with extraordinary wisdom, and
courage, and zeal to vindicate God's honour, and his country's
liberty. The Hebrew is, The Spirit of the Lord clothed Gideon; clothed
him as a robe, to put honour upon him; clothed him as a coat of mail
to put a defence upon him. Those a... [ Continue Reading ]
All Manasseh — On Both sides of Jordan. Unto Asher, &c. — Because
these tribes were nearest, and so could soonest join with him; and
were nearest the enemy also, Judges 6:33, and therefore were most
sensible of the calamity, and would in all reason be most forward to
rescue themselves from it.... [ Continue Reading ]
Gideon said — In a way of humble supplication, for the strengthening
his own faith, and for the greater encouragement of his soldiers in
this great attempt.... [ Continue Reading ]
On all the earth — That is, upon all that spot of ground which
encompasses the fleece.... [ Continue Reading ]
On the ground — Which was more preternatural than the former
instance, because if there be any moisture, such bodies as fleeces of
wool are likely to drink it up.... [ Continue Reading ]
And God did so — See how tender God is, even of the weak; and how
ready to condescend to their infirmities! These signs were very
expressive. They are going to engage the Midianites. Could God
distinguish between a small fleece of Israel, and the vast floor of
Midian? Yes, by this token it appears t... [ Continue Reading ]