Luke 20:9

A long time — It was a long time from the entrance of the Israelites into Canaan to the birth of Christ. Matthew 21:33; Mark 12:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:16

He will destroy these husbandmen — Probably he pointed to the scribes, chief priests, and elders: who allowed, he will miserably destroy those wicked men, Matthew 21:41; but could not bear that this should be applied to themselves. They might also mean, God forbid that we should be guilty of such a... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:20

Just men — Men of a tender conscience. To take hold of his discourse — If he answered as they hoped he would. Matthew 22:16; Mark 12:12.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:26

They could not take hold of his words before the people — As they did afterward before the sanhedrim, in the absence of the people, Luke 22:67, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:34

The children of this world — The inhabitants of earth, marry and are given in marriage — As being all subject to the law of mortality; so that the species is in need of being continually repaired.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:37

That the dead are raised, even Moses, as well as the other prophets showed, when he calleth — That is, when he recites the words which God spoke of himself, I am the God of Abraham, Matthew 22:32. It cannot properly be said, that God is the God of any who are totally perished. Exodus 3:6.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 20:38

He is not a God of the dead, or, there is no God of the dead — That is, tho term God implies such a relation, as cannot possibly subsist between him and the dead; who in the Sadducees' sense are extinguished spirits; who could neither worship him, nor receive good from him. So that all live to him —... [ Continue Reading ]

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