Luke 5:11

They forsook all and followed him — They had followed him before, John 1:43, but not so as to forsake all. Till now, they wrought at their ordinary calling.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 5:17

Sitting by — As being more honourable than the bulk of the congregation, who stood. And the power of the Lord was present to heal them — To heal the sickness of their souls, as well as all bodily diseases.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 5:19

Not being able to bring him in through the multitude, they went round about by a back passage, and going up the stairs on the outside, they came upon the flat — roofed house, and let him down through the trap door, such as was on the top of most of the Jewish houses: doubtless, with such circumspect... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 5:39

And no man having drunk old wine — And beside, men are not wont to be immediately freed from old prejudices.... [ Continue Reading ]

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