Matthew 14:1

At that time — When our Lord had spent about a year in his public ministry. Tetrarch — King of a fourth part of his father's dominions. Mark 6:14.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:2

He is risen from the dead — Herod was a Sadducee: and the Sadducees denied the resurrection of the dead. But Sadduceeism staggers when conscience awakes.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:4

It is not lawful for thee to have her — It was not lawful indeed for either of them to have her. For her father Aristobulus was their own brother. John's words were rough, like his raiment. He would not break the force of truth by using soft words, even to a king.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:5

He would have put him to death — ln his fit of passion; but he was then restrained by fear of the multitude; and afterward by the reverence he bore him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:8

Being before instructed by her mother — Both as to the matter and manner of her petition: She said, Give me here — Fearing if he had time to consider, he would not do it: John the Baptist's head in a charger — A large dish or bowl.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:9

And the king was sorry — Knowing that John was a good man. Yet for the oath's sake — So he murdered an innocent man from mere tenderness of conscience.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:10

And he sent and beheaded John in the prison, and his head was given to the damsel — How mysterious is the providence, which left the life of so holy a man in such infamous hands! which permitted it to be sacrificed to the malice of an abandoned harlot, the petulancy of a vain girl, and the rashness... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:13

Jesus withdrew into a desert place — To avoid Herod: Because of the multitude pressing upon him, Mark 6:32 and To talk with his disciples, newly returned from their progress, Luke 9:10 apart — From all but his disciples. John 6:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:24

In the evening — Learned men say the Jews reckoned two evenings; the first beginning at three in the afternoon, the second, at sunset. If so, the latter is meant here.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:25

The fourth watch — The Jews (as well as the Romans) usually divided the night into four watches, of three hours each. The first watch began at six, the second at nine, the third at twelve, the fourth at three in the morning. If it be thou — It is the same as, Since it is thou. The particle if freque... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 14:30

He was afraid — Though he had been used to the sea, and was a skilful swimmer. But so it frequently is. When grace begins to act, the natural courage and strength are withdrawn.... [ Continue Reading ]

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