Matthew 15:3

They wash not their hands when they eat bread — Food in general is termed bread in Hebrew; so that to eat bread is the same as to make a meal.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:5

It is a gift by whatsoever thou mightest have been profited by me — That is, I have given, or at least, purpose to give to the treasury of the temple, what you might otherwise have had from me.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:7

Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying — That is, the description which Isaiah gave of your fathers, is exactly applicable to you. The words therefore which were a description of them, are a prophecy with regard to you.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:14

Let them alone — If they are indeed blind leaders of the blind; let them alone: concern not yourselves about them: a plain direction how to behave with regard to all such. Luke 6:39.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:17

Are ye also yet without understanding — How fair and candid are the sacred historians? Never concealing or excusing their own blemishes.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:19

First evil thoughts — then murders — and the rest. Railings — The Greek word includes all reviling, backbiting, and evil speaking.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:22

A woman of Canaan — Canaan was also called Syrophenicia, as lying between Syria properly so called, and Phenicia, by the sea side. Cried to him — From afar, Thou Son of David — So she had some knowledge of the promised Messiah.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 15:29

The sea of Galilee — The Jews gave the name of seas to all large lakes. This was a hundred furlongs long, and forty broad. It was called also, the sea of Tiberias. It lay on the borders of Galilee, and the city of Tiberias stood on its western shore. It was likewise styled the lake of Gennesareth: p... [ Continue Reading ]

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