Matthew 16:4

A wicked and adulterous generation — Ye would seek no farther sign, did not your wickedness, your love of the world, which is spiritual adultery, blind your understanding.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:6

Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees — That is, of their false doctrine: this is elegantly so called; for it spreads in the soul, or the Church, as leaven does in meal. Luke 12:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:11

How do ye not understand — Beside, do you not understand, that I did not mean bread, by the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees?... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:13

And Jesus coming — There was a large interval of time between what has been related, and what follows. The passages that follow were but a short time before our Lord suffered. Mark 8:27; Luke 9:18.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:14

Jeremiah, or one of the prophets — There was at that time a current tradition among the Jews, that either Jeremiah, or some other of the ancient prophets would rise again before the Messiah came.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:18

On this rock — Alluding to his name, which signifies a rock, namely, the faith which thou hast now professed; I will build my Church — But perhaps when our Lord uttered these words, he pointed to himself, in like manner as when he said, Destroy this temple, John 2:19; meaning the temple of his body.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:19

I will give thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven — Indeed not to him alone, (for they were equally given to all the apostles at the same time, John 20:21;) but to him were first given the keys both of doctrine and discipline. He first, after our Lord's resurrection, exercised the apostleship, Acts... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:20

Then charged he his disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ — Jesus himself had not said it expressly even to his apostles, but left them tb infer it from his doctrine and miracles. Neither was it proper the apostles should say this openly, before that grand proof of it, his resurrection. If... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:21

From that time Jesus began to tell his disciples, that he must suffer many things — Perhaps this expression, began, always implied his entering on a set and solemn discourse. Hitherto he had mainly taught them only one point, That he was the Christ. From this time he taught them another, That Christ... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:23

Get thee behind me — Out of my sight. It is not improbable, Peter might step before him, to stop him. Satan — Our Lord is not recorded to have given so sharp a reproof to any other of his apostles on any occasion. He saw it was needful for the pride of Peter's heart, puffed up with the commendation... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:24

If any man be willing to come after me — None is forced; but if any will be a Christian, it must be on these terms, Let him deny himself, and take up his cross — A rule that can never be too much observed: let him in all things deny his own will, however pleasing, and do the will of God, however pai... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:25

Whosoever will save his life — At the expense of his conscience: whosoever, in the very highest instance, that of life itself, will not renounce himself, shall be lost eternally. But can any man hope he should be able thus to renounce himself, if he cannot do it in the smallest instances? And whosoe... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:28

And as an emblem of this, there are some here who shall live to see tho Messiah coming to set up his mediatorial kingdom, with great power and glory, by the increase of his Church, and the destruction of the temple, city, and polity of the Jews.... [ Continue Reading ]

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