Matthew 20:1

That some of those who were first called may yet be last, our Lord confirms by the following parable: of which the primary scope is, to show, That many of the Jews would be rejected, and many of the Gentiles accepted; the secondary, That of the Gentiles, many who were first converted would be last a... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 20:2

The Roman penny was about seven pence halfpenny. [About thirteen and three quarter cents, American.] This was then the usual price of a day's labour.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 20:9

Who were hired about the eleventh hour — Either the Gentiles, who were called long after the Jews into the vineyard of the Church of Christ; or those in every age who did not hear, or at least understand the Gospel call, till their day of life was drawing to a period. Some circumstances of the parab... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 20:10

The first supposed they should have received more — Probably the first here may mean the Jews, who supposed they should always be preferred before the Gentiles.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 20:12

Thou hast made them equal to us — So St. Peter expressly, Acts 15:9. God — hath put no difference between us (Jews) and them, (Gentiles,) purifying their hearts by faith. And those who were equally holy here, whenever they were called, will be equally happy hereafter.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 20:14

It is my will to give to this last called among the heathens even as to the first called among the Jews: yea, and to the late converted publicans and sinners, even as to those who, were called long before.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 20:15

Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my own? — Yea, doubtless, to give either to Jew or Gentile a reward infinitely greater than he deserves. But can it be inferred from hence, that it is lawful, or possible, for the merciful Father of spirits to "Consign an unborn soul to hell? Or damn hi... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 20:16

So the last shall be first, and the first last — Not only with regard to the Jews and Gentiles, but in a thousand other instances. For many are called — All who hear the Gospel; but few chosen — Only those who obey it. Matthew 19:30; Matthew 22:14.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 20:20

Then came to him the mother of Zebedee's children — Considering what he had been just speaking, was ever any thing more unreasonable? Perhaps Zebedee himself was dead, or was not a follower of Christ. Mark 10:35.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 20:22

Ye know not what is implied in being advanced in my kingdom, and necessarily prerequired thereto. All who share in my kingdom must first share in my sufferings. Are you able and willing to do this? Both these expressions, The cup, the baptism, are to be understood of his sufferings and death. The li... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 20:23

But to sit on my right hand — Christ applies to the glories of heaven, what his disciples were so stupid as to understand of the glories of earth. But he does not deny that this is his to give. It is his to give in the strictest propriety, both as God, and as the Son of man. He only asserts, that he... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 20:25

Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles lord it over them — And hence you imagine, the chief in my kingdom will do as they: but it will be quite otherwise.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 20:30

Behold two blind men cried out — St. Mark and St. Luke mention only one of them, blind Bartimeus. He was far the more eminent of the two, and, as it seems, spoke for both.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 20:31

The multitude charged them to hold their peace — And so they will all who begin to cry after the Son of David. But let those who feel their need of him cry the more; otherwise they will come short of a cure.... [ Continue Reading ]

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